
  1. 所说所想是否忠于自我?

    Are they true to what they say and feel ?

  2. 忠于自我忠于时代&丁玲创作道路的再评价

    Faithfulness to Selfhood and Times & Re-commenting on the Ding Ling 's Writing

  3. 他从不沽名钓誉,而是保持距离,忠于自我。

    He never trusted fame , and always boxed up and guarded his ego .

  4. 我只管忠于自我就好。

    I just try to stay trueto myself .

  5. 我感觉像远离了异议,走向了永远的忠于自我。

    I felt like I came away from it challenged to always be true to myself .

  6. 英伦元素秉承英国人所特有的高贵与叛逆,在潮流瞬息万变的时尚界里,彰显着忠于自我的自信。

    British element adhering to the peculiar nobility and betrayal of Britain , revealing the confidence to be oneself in the fashionable bound .

  7. 能够活得快乐、能够追求忠于自我的人生,才是真正的成功。

    Success is about being able to live a happy and fulfilling life that allows you to be true to who you really are .

  8. 我一直试着去甩掉那些念头,努力忠于自我,倾听内心的声音,但这真的不容易。

    And I have been trying to push back , to be authentic , to follow my heart , but it can be hard .

  9. 像“珍爱自己”、“忠于自我”就是自我接纳、自信的一种说法,也是对自己诚实与道德的一种表达。

    Such expressions as " Love thyself " and " to thine own self be true " are about self-acceptance and confidence , as well as honesty and morality .

  10. 作为中国的演员,我其实非常幸运,我认为我只要忠于自我就行了,尤其现在中国电影随着海外观众增加、并逐步踏上国际舞台而变得越来越多元化。

    Being an actress in China , I 'm actually a very lucky actress . I think just be yourself and it should be fine , especially now that Chinese movies are becoming more diverse with more viewers overseas-stepping onto the global stage .

  11. 因此,这是结论的结论(众人笑):追随热情,忠于自我,绝不要追随别人的脚步,除非你在森林里迷路了才要这么做(大家笑)。

    So to conclude my conclusion : follow your passion , stay true to yourself . Never follow anyone else 's path , unless you 're in the woods and you 're lost and you see a path , and by all means you should follow that .