
  1. 他是一个忠于自己原则的人。

    He is a man who always remains faithful to his principles .

  2. 他们保证永远忠于自己的理想。

    They promised to be faithful to their ideal for ever .

  3. CNN特派员爱丽娜·秋:他口中所谓的旋风教会他要忠于自己、脚踏实地。

    ALINA CHO , CNN CORRESPONDENT : The whirlwind , as he calls it , has taught him to stay grounded .

  4. 他的确不是,他只是忠于自己的看法。

    Because he wasn 't he was tough in his beiiefs .

  5. 不管怎样,我们忠于自己的球队。

    We stick by our team , no matter what .

  6. 中国人民忠于自己的无产阶级国际主义义务。

    The Chinese people stand by their proletarian internationalist duties .

  7. 她非常忠于自己的工作,是名出色的女警察。

    She was strongly committed to her job , a policewoman par excellence .

  8. 不忠于自己的人;是世上最可怜和最痛苦的。

    The most pitiful and agonising thing is not being true to oneself .

  9. 我终于了解到我的责任就是忠于自己的感觉。

    I have come to realize that my duty is to my heart .

  10. 这是一个严重的护卫犬,非常忠于自己的主人。

    This is a serious guard dog , very loyal to his owners .

  11. 你应该忠于自己内心的感觉。

    You should be faithful to your own feelings .

  12. 我学到一种尊严,即:忠于自己的信仰。

    I 've learned the dignity of being loyal to something you believe in .

  13. 每个人都应该忠于自己的祖国。

    Everyone must be loyal to his motherland .

  14. 他声言忠于自己的国家。

    He affirmed his loyalty to his country .

  15. 你一向一向都说要忠于自己。

    You always say be true to yourself .

  16. 没有人忠于自己的祖国,我又何必如此?

    No one else has loyalty for their homeland , so why should I ?

  17. 他忠于自己的朋友。

    He is true to his friends .

  18. 她忠于自己的信念。

    She was loyal to her faith .

  19. 上帝作证,我是正直的,我是忠于自己的信仰的。

    God is my witness . I was just ; I was faithful to my light .

  20. 他们忠于自己的领袖,而不在意什么国民同一性。

    Their loyalty would have been to their leaders , rather than to any national identity .

  21. 忠于自己的内心,保持积极乐观的心态,有一天你会发现这些能让你会心微笑

    Stay true to your path , stay positive , and someday you will catch yourself smiling about

  22. 但是,当每个问题都变成是否忠于自己人的问题时,你将不会赢得新的支持者。

    But you will win few new converts when every issue becomes a matter of tribal loyalty .

  23. 一个忠于自己妻子的丈夫其实大多数时间一点也不忠诚!

    A husband who is faithful to his wife most of the time is not faithful at all !

  24. 忠于自己的内心,保持积极乐观的心态,有一天你会发现这些能让你会心微笑……

    Stay true to your path , stay positive , and someday you will catch yourself smiling about ...

  25. 反之,他劝勉她们要忠于自己的丈夫,和尽量做好妻子的本分。

    Instead he told her to be loyal to her husband and to be a good wife to him .

  26. 作为一个人,我最先考虑的是忠于自己的信念与良知。

    As a man , my first consideration is to be true to my own convictions and my own conscience .

  27. 他列出他认为在当时不受外界批评影响的多名年轻美国作家,他们写作忠于自己并充满热情。

    He named many young American writers at the time who he said were working without fear of the critic .

  28. 如果中断出口,就会使巴博无法向忠于自己的公务员和军队支薪。

    Any stoppage in exports would cut the funding Mr Gbagbo relies on to pay loyal civil servants and the military .

  29. 我希望你们能够忠于自己最真实、最诚挚的想法。

    I want you all to stay true to the most real , most sincere , most authentic parts of yourselves .

  30. 忠于自己的风格,也会更准确的显示出你的个人品质。

    If you stay true to your personal style , you will also display a more accurate reflection of your personality .