首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 在这些冲突的形式之间的和谐似乎很简单:善将是别人的利益。

    Reconciliation between these conflicting forms seems simple : good would be the interest of others .

  2. 善可以将日常生活神秘化,使人从想象中和令人激动的戏剧化生活行动中提取精神含义,把故事与思想游戏结合起来。

    Therefore , the good can mystify the everyday life and can make people extract the spiritual meaning from imagination and exciting dramatic life , and combine story with the play of mind .

  3. 新性善论将德育主体性思想的根据归结为人的善性,违背了马克思主义关于人的主体性的实践根据和来源的基本原理。

    " The new kindness of human nature " theory argues that the moral educational subjectivity is based on the kindness of human nature , thus violates Marxism which maintains that practice is the basis of man 's subjectivity .

  4. 我将为此报酬他,每个善功都将获得十倍的回赐。

    I will give the reward for it , and for every good deed , he will receive ten similar to it .

  5. 耶稣,我的善牧,不要将我失落。

    Jesus , my Shepherd , lose me not !

  6. 否则你我和一切善的东西都将毁灭。

    Or this may be the end for me and you and everything good .

  7. 你本为善,所行的也善。求你将你的律例教训我。

    You are good , and your works are good ; give me knowledge of your rules .

  8. 其中丰富的智慧如若善加利用,将能帮助提高敏捷实践的有效性。

    There is a wealth of wisdom here that if applied properly will help increase the effectiveness of agile practices .

  9. 人类成佛的过程,就是人性中善的一面彻底将恶压制的过程。

    The process of human Buddha , that is the process the good side of human nature defeated the bad side .