
  • 网络laryngeal edema;larynx edema;edema of larynx
  1. 唇腭裂病人气管内插管麻醉术后喉头水肿的预防

    Prevention on laryngeal edema in infants with chilopalatognathus after underwent anesthesia by endotracheal intubation

  2. 我们认为,该例患者的气道阻塞很可能是继发性喉痉挛,而不是喉头水肿。

    We believe that this patient 's airway obstruction was likely secondary to laryngospasm rather than laryngeal edema .

  3. 患儿均于停麻醉药30min内清醒,睁眼,吞咽反射、自主呼吸恢复良好,吸空气时SPO2维持在93%以上,拔管后均未发生喉痉挛及喉头水肿,术后也未发生缺氧。

    The children recovered consciousness in 30 minutes after operation . Eye movement , swallow reflex and spontaneous breath were all normal , with the SPO_2 above 93 % without oxygen inhalation . There were no laryngic spasm , edema and anoxia occurred in all cases after detubation .

  4. 阿奇霉素静脉滴注致右眼睑和喉头水肿

    Oedema of right eyelid and larynx following intravenous infusion of azithromycin

  5. 本组治愈32例,死亡3例,分别死于喉头水肿窒息、严重感染和多脏器功能衰竭。

    32 cases were cured and 3 cases died .

  6. 左氧氟沙星静脉滴注致喉头水肿

    Laryngeal edema induced by intravenous infusion of levofloxacin

  7. 在早期处理方面还应注意观察和防治喉头水肿,急性胃扩张等病症。

    At the early stage , attention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of throat edema and acute stomach dilatation , etc.

  8. 炎症发生的喉头水肿对机体的影响较大,引起气道狭窄,甚至威胁生命。

    This example of edema with inflammation is not trivial at all : there is marked laryngeal edema such that the airway is narrowed .

  9. 另外一位过敏患者表现为荨麻疹,血管性水肿,喉头水肿和心悸,第三位女孩则是声音嘶哑。

    Another case was considered to be anaphylaxis with symptoms of urticaria , angioedema , laryngeal edema , and palpitations , and the third case was considered to be a hoarse voice .

  10. 目的研制出的气囊式胃管替代普通胃管,减少普通胃管易滑脱而反复插管而引起的胃粘膜出血、喉头水肿、咽炎、食管炎等副损伤。

    Objective To develop air-sack stomach-tube to replace traditional stomach-tube and reduce complications such as gastric mucosal bleeding , larynx edema , pharyngitis , esophagitis that are caused by repeated slip of traditional stomach-tube .

  11. 结果术后并发症包括有心律失常105例,肺部感染32例,心包积液5例,低心排15例,低血钾37例,喉头水肿4例。

    Results Postoperative complications were included 105 cases of arrhythmia , 32 cases of pulmonary infection , 27 cases of hydrothorax , 5 cases of hydropericardium , 15 cases of low cardiac output , 37 cases of hypokalemia and 4 cases of laryngeal edema .