
  • 网络Laryngeal muscle;muscle of larynx
  1. 结论各喉肌正常运动单位电位及不同收缩力量干扰相波幅-转折数量化分析等参数的正常值不相同,与其各自的解剖生理特点相关;

    Conclusion MUP and inference patterns of different laryngeal muscles are different , and correlate with their own anatomic and physiologic characteristics .

  2. 肿瘤侵犯喉肌患者肌电减弱,神经诱发电位潜伏期正常,波幅减小。

    Patients with neoplastic infiltration of the laryngeal muscles demonstrated decreased LEMG and nearly normal Evoked LEMG with normal latency and lower amplitude .

  3. 各喉肌肌电均在其相应喉功能活动前活跃或抑制。

    All laryngeal muscles were active or quiet before corresponding laryngeal action .

  4. 结论正常成人4种发音方式的声音质量是不同的,这与喉肌的功能状态有关。

    Conclusion The voice of adult had distinctive characteristics with laryngeal muscle function .

  5. 针药结合治疗老年喉肌弱症110例临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Senile Laryngeal Myasthenia Treated by Combined Acupuncture and Herbs in 110 Cases

  6. 痉挛性发音障碍是中枢运动神经系统功能障碍引起的痉挛性发音,过去曾被认为是精神病的一种,最近认为是喉肌局部张力障碍所引起。

    Spasmodic dysphonia ( SD ) is a chronic neurological disorder of central motor processing affecting the voice . Whereas in the past it was diagnosed and treated as a psychiatric disorder , it is currently considered to be a focal dystonia affecting the intrinsic laryngeal muscles .

  7. 喉外肌与喉内肌同步肌电图对比研究

    Contrast study on synchronous electromyography of extrinsic and intrinsic laryngeal muscles

  8. 颈袢再神经支配喉内肌的比较研究

    A comparative study of laryngeal reinnervation from the ansa cervicalis

  9. 失神经喉内肌纤颤电位波幅的变化及临床意义

    Clinical significance and changes of fibrillation potential amplitude following denervation of laryngeal muscles

  10. 喉癌患者未被癌组织侵蚀的喉内肌组织学变化分析

    The analysis of histological changes of the uninva sioned intrinsic laryngeal muscles of laryngeal carcinoma patients

  11. 目的了解犬喉内肌失神经支配后细胞萎缩和增殖状态的变化规律,对反映肌肉不可逆改变的指标进行初步探讨。

    Objective To investigate the changes of cell proliferation state after denervation of laryngeal adducent muscles in dog .

  12. 结果:喉癌患者与健康成人相比,各喉内肌肌纤维形态差异较大;

    Results : Compared with the normal specimen , a marked difference in intrinsic laryngeal muscle of laryngeal carcinoma patients was found .

  13. 结果:12个月以内行喉内肌神经再支配后环杓关节纤维化有不同程度的逆转,而18个月行喉内肌神经再支配后环杓关节纤维化不可逆。

    Results : The fibroses of CA joints showed reversion of varying degrees during delay to 12 months after reinnervated laryngeal muscles .

  14. 目的:观察环杓关节在延期喉内肌神经再支配后的变化及对杓状软骨运动的影响。

    Objective : To observe cricoarytenoid ( CA ) joint affecting prognosis of delay reinnervation of laryngeal muscles after recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis .

  15. 喉内肌除环甲肌外,均由喉返神经前支支配,其中88%的环杓后肌为喉返神经前支发出单支支配;

    Except the cricothyroid muscle , all the laryngeal intrinsic muscles are innervated by the anterior branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve . In 88 % of the cases , the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle is innervated by two nervous pedicle , the others are innervated by a single nervous pedicle .

  16. 方法采用琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)染色及电镜技术对狗喉甲杓肌进行分型。

    Methods We classified the canine TA with succinic dehydrogenase ( SDH ) staining method and electron-microscopy .

  17. 垂直喉部分切除肌皮瓣喉功能重建术

    Vertical partial laryngectomy and muscle flap reconstruction of the laryngeal function

  18. 狗喉甲杓肌组织化学及超微结构的研究

    Histochemistry and Ultrastructure of Canine Thyroarytenoid Muscle

  19. HE染色光镜下发现26周胎喉的声带肌以及声带冠状正中位的游离边缘。

    Vocal muscle was found at the merge of mid vocal cord in coronal section in 26th week by HE staining .

  20. 目的:观察声门癌扩大部分喉切除转门肌皮瓣修复缺损喉腔术后患者的嗓音恢复情况。

    Objective : To observe the voice rehabilitation of the patients received extended partial laryngectomy repairment with rotatory door muscle skin flap .

  21. 结论:垂直喉部分切除肌皮瓣喉功能重建术扩大了垂直喉部分切除的适应证,提高了术后生存质量。

    Conclusions : Vertical partial laryngectomy and muscle flap reconstruction of the laryngeal function expanded the indication of partial laryngectomy , improved the life quality .

  22. 扩大部分喉切除颈前肌皮瓣喉重建术临床观察

    The Clinical Observation for Reconstruction of New Larynx by Myocutaneous Flap of Neck Fascicle Lata in Extended Partial Laryngectomy

  23. 喉部分切除转门肌皮瓣喉重建术的嗓音学观察

    Voice rehabilitation after partial laryngectomy with functional reconstruction of larynx by rotatory door muscle-skin flap in patients with glottic cancer

  24. 喉肌电图与喉肌诱发电位在颈前路术后喉返神经麻痹中的评价作用

    Clinical application value of laryngeal electromyography and laryngeal somatosensory evoked potential in patients with recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis by anterior elective cervical surgery

  25. 方法对36例正常受试者行喉肌电图检查,包括喉肌运动单位肌电测量、喉肌肌电干扰相波幅-转折数分析,并分析喉肌肌电与喉功能的关系。

    Methods 36 normal subjects were investigated by LEMG examination , including motor unit potential measure ( MUP ), recruitment pattern analysis , amplitude-turns analysis . The relation between LEMG and laryngeal functions was analyzed .

  26. 结论喉返神经支配除环甲肌以外的所有喉内肌,其麻痹后所支配的肌肉群可以发生去神经性萎缩。

    Conclusion The recurrent laryngeal nerve innervate all the intrinsic muscles of the larynx except cricothyroid muscle , paralysis of the nerve leads to atrophy of related muscles .

  27. 指出梨状窝癌产生半喉固定的主要原因是癌组织通过声门旁间隙侵犯喉内肌和杓状软骨外上方。

    Invasion of intralaryngeal muscles and the upper and outer aspects of arytenoid cartilage via paraglottic space was found to be the main cause of hemilaryngeal fixation in these cases .

  28. 对严重喉气管狭窄并有喉软骨损坏11例,创用喉扩张及颞肌膜移植以加宽喉腔面积,全部病例均获得拔管成功。

    Laryngeal augmentation in combination of transplantation of temporal fascia upon operative raw surface to insure iaryngeal dilatation has been performed in 11 cases of severe laryngo-tracheal stenosis resulted from cartilagenous destruction , as the paper reported .