首页 / 词典 / good


xǐ lè
  • happy;joyful;cheerful
喜乐 [xǐ lè]
  • [happy] 欢乐;高兴

  1. 一颗喜乐的心,必定盛满永恒的见证。

    A joyful is filled with witnesses eternal .

  2. 喜乐的心乃是良药

    A joyful heart is a good medicine

  3. 有什么喜乐的消息?

    What is the happy news ?

  4. 2月14日,伴随着现场动感的音乐和富有节奏性的鼓点,韩国人气天团EXO登上了湖南卫视的舞台,加入到于当晚举办的元宵喜乐会的强大阵容中去。

    Flanked by a DJ and a drummer , South Korean pop group Exo sauntered onto the stage at the Hunan Satellite TV station on Friday , joining the line-up for the Lantern Festival Show .

  5. 但最重要的是,我们跳入那喜乐的海洋。

    Above all , we fall into the ocean of joy .

  6. 在主里喜乐,何其佳美!

    It is a good thing to rejoice in the Lord .

  7. 你的法度,是我所喜乐的,是我的谋士。

    Your statutes are my delight ; they are my counselors .

  8. 你使这国民繁多,加增他们的喜乐。

    You have made them very glad , increasing their joy .

  9. 一粿喜乐的心是包括我们的思想,感觉及行为。

    A cheerful heart involves thought process , feelings and behaviors .

  10. 谈谈日语中表喜乐之情的词

    Words Describing Passions of Anger and Joy in the Japanese Language

  11. 所以患难里面蕴藏着的,乃是甘甜的喜乐和眞实的价值。

    There is a sweet joy and a real value in them .

  12. 我的心会一直活在神的同在中,并在祂同在中欢欣喜乐。

    My heart will continually live and rejoice in God 's presence .

  13. 圣经也用特别喜乐的笔调描写耶稣的诞生。

    The bible exclusively rejoices in the birth of Jesus .

  14. 那里充满了喜乐和平安。

    Heaven is a place of everlasting safety and happiness !

  15. 天使诗班歌唱,颂声喜乐洋洋。

    Sing , choirs of angels , Sing in exultation .

  16. 她因为得著了赦罪的喜乐,所以她内心充满了对我的爱;

    She loves me because she knows the joy of sins forgiven .

  17. 你们将要忧愁,然而你们的忧愁要变为喜乐。

    You will grieve , but your grief will turn to joy .

  18. 愿圣诞节充实喜乐与暖和!

    May your Christmas be filled with joy and warmth !

  19. 我没有了天父给我喜乐的应许。

    I didn 't have the joy my father promises .

  20. 常常喜乐,不住祷告,凡事感恩!

    Often joy , unable to pray , everything Thanksgiving !

  21. 门徒看见主,就喜乐了。

    Then were the disciples glad , when they saw the LORD .

  22. 感应喜乐,也要把这喜乐通过自己传遍开去。

    Feel joy and let this joy spread through you .

  23. 温柔的人必定靠主喜乐。

    The meek will always delight themselves in the Lord .

  24. 我收到你的信我心中的喜乐和赞美。

    I received your letter with joy and praises in my heart .

  25. 你也许认识基督是喜乐、平安和安息。

    You may know that Christ is joy , peace , and rest .

  26. 你曾体验过被宽恕的喜乐吗?

    Did you learn then the joy of forgiveness ?

  27. 你的法令是我的喜乐,是我的谋士。

    Your decrees are my delight and my counselors .

  28. 你的冥想可能一天充满喜乐和祝福而另一天却充满挑战。

    Your sadhana may be blissful one day and very challenging the next .

  29. 祷告能叫你的痛苦变成喜乐。

    Prayer can make your affliction sweet and strengthening .

  30. 喜乐,因季节是在我们!

    Rejoice , for Season One is upon us !