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  1. 政府迩来年夜力年夜举增强对食物安定的监管,经过议定国家媒体曝光和剔除违反食物安定的企业和个体。

    The government has recently ramped up efforts to tighten regulations and root out food safety violators in a state-backed media campaign .

  2. 固然澳门已经花了年夜力年夜举气撤失了显眼的葡萄牙语的平易近众标识,可是旧澳门也好,新澳门也好,都不过是威尼斯、罗马和年夜泰西城的扭曲写照。

    Although a valiant effort is made to display Portuguese prominently on public signs , there is none of the old Macau in the new , only distorted echoes of Venice , Rome and Atlantic City .