
  1. 据了解,力帆620媒体活动在崎岖盘旋的四面山举行。

    It is known that the Lifan 620 media activities are circling ruggedly four sides mountain hold .

  2. 在这一过程中,力帆和其它数百家中国公司向本田(honda)、雅马哈(yamaha)等日本摩托车巨头发起了猛烈挑战。

    In the process , Lifan and hundreds of other Chinese companies have presented a fierce challenge to Japanese giants such as Honda and Yamaha .

  3. 重庆力帆汽车(chongqinglifanautomobile)总裁王延辉表示,他的公司决定不再试图开发其轿车车型所需的电子装置、变速箱和发动机技术。

    Wang Yanhui , President of Chongqing Lifan automobile , says his novice carmaking arm of a motorcycle group chose not to try to develop the electronics , gearbox and engine technologies it needs for its sedans .

  4. 力帆则是两连败,跌至第13。

    Lifan suffered continuous failure and fell to the thirdteenth .

  5. 定期维护要求在力帆服务站进行。

    The regular maintenance should be carried out at Lifan service station .

  6. 力帆摩托越南市场营销战略研究

    A Study on Lifan Motocycle Marketing Strategy in Vietnam

  7. 经过详细地研究,力帆集团制定了成功的越南市场营销战略。

    Based on in-depth analysis , LiFan finally made its successful Vietnam market strategy .

  8. 比赛的第72分钟,重庆力帆的一次进攻再次无功而返。

    The competition's72nd minute , a Chongqing Lifan 's attack idle work returns once more .

  9. 王经理还表示,力帆在努力进军俄罗斯共享汽车和出租车行业。

    Manager Wang added the company is trying to tap into the local car-sharing market .

  10. 力帆酒市场营销策略研究

    Marketing Strategy Study on LiFan Alcohol

  11. 力帆造车路线图

    The Road Map of Lifan

  12. 企业技术创新战略模式研究&以重庆市力帆集团为例

    Research into strategic mode of enterprise technical innovation & Taking Lifan Group of Chongqing as an example

  13. 力帆则是5胜4平7负,上轮客场0-2不敌国安,结束了此前的3连胜。

    On the other hand , Lifan won 5 times , lost 7 and got 4 draws .

  14. 资本在力帆是这样积累起来的&记重庆力帆集团董事长尹明善

    Capital Accumulation in Lifan Group

  15. 力帆集团1992年创立,以技术开发和产品开发为核心实施成本领先战略,率先大规模进入国际市场。

    Established in 1992 , LiFan undertook cost-leading competitive strategy , pioneering into motorcycle international market in large scale .

  16. 力帆汽车俄罗斯公司常务副总经理王晓龙指出,力帆在俄罗斯市场的累计保有量已超过15万台。

    Deputy manager of Lifan 's Russian branch Wang Xiaolong said the brand 's accumlative sales in Russia has exceeded 150000 .

  17. 根据车辆的技术要求和使用情况,力帆微型车的维护分成不同的类别。

    The maintenance for Lifan minivan can be divided into several categories according to the technical requirements and use of the vehicle .

  18. 力帆获得轿车生产许可不久,中国的计划部门就颁布了政策,拟限制汽车业新增产能。

    Lifan was awarded its licence to produce passenger cars just before the planning authorities in Beijing imposed a moratorium on new capacity .

  19. 去年,力帆首款轿车、售价约为9000美元力帆520正式开下生产线。

    Last year the first vehicle , a sedan called the 520 that sells for about $ 9,000 , came off the production line .

  20. 2009年,恒大的前身广药曾经两度与力帆交手,主场3-1取胜,客场0-1告负。

    In 2009 , when Hengda was called Guangyao at that time , it fighted against Lifan for twice , resultingat 3-1at home and 0-1 as visiting team .

  21. 俄罗斯“汽车统计”数据显示,在俄罗斯最受欢迎的中国品牌是力帆,其销量占俄罗斯市场中国品牌汽车总销量的近半数。

    The report from Russia 's " Automobile statistics " agency suggests Lifan Motors is among the best players , selling half of vehicles made by Chinese brands .

  22. 与其它很多中国制造商一样,力帆正研究将其汽车出口到国外首先将是其它发展中国家,然后是美国和欧洲。

    Like a number of other Chinese manufacturers , Lifan is talking about exporting its cars , first to other developed countries and then to the US and Europe .

  23. 重庆力帆急于扳平比分,队员心浮气躁,虽然场面占据优势,但却很难形成很好的进球机会。

    Chongqing Lifan draws level the score eagerly , the member rash , although scene hold superiority , but is very actually difficult to form the very good goal opportunity .

  24. 力帆实施积极的本土化战略,2015年在俄罗斯利佩茨克州新建全资整车工厂,预计年产6万台汽车。

    As part of its effort to localize production , Lifan established a wholly owned factory in Lipetsk in 2015 , the factory designed to produce 60000 finished cars a year .

  25. 力帆的成功让尹明善跻身富豪行列。他的个人财富估计近1.75亿美元,目前他是中国3000个百万美元富豪中的一名。

    Lifan 's success has made Mr Yin a rich man – his personal wealth is estimated at $ 175m – and he is now one of 3,000 dollar millionaires in China .

  26. 在巴西,人们担心,像力帆这样的公司只会在该国组装中国生产的半成品汽车成套配件,而无意推动当地的汽车业发展。

    In Brazil , there are fears that companies such as carmaker Lifan want to use the country to assemble kits of nearly-completed cars made in China rather than promote a domestic industry .

  27. 1991年,他创立了一家小企业,生产摩托车零件,到上世纪末,力帆已经成为全球最大的摩托车发动机制造商之一。

    In 1991 , he started a small business to make spare parts for motorbikes : by the end of the decade , Lifan was one of the biggest manufacturers of bike engines in the world .

  28. 并从力帆酒业公司的组织结构、管理制度、决策体系、目标体系、营销业务报告系统及营销组织等方面提出了实施市场营销策略的保障措施。

    And building the guarantee measure of implementing the marketing strategy from the organization framework of Lifan alcohol industry company , Management system , decision-making system , goal system , marketing business report system and marketing organization .

  29. 两队仅有过1次交锋,就是本赛季第2轮,恒大客场2-1力挫力帆,为恒大破门的是郜林及高拉特。

    These two teams only encountered with each other once , which was in the Round 2 in this season . Hengda defeated Lifan as visiting team with 2-1 , and it was Gaolin and Goulart contributed to this victory .

  30. 对于力帆酒业公司,作者提出了以人为本,构建科学的内部管理体系,加快创新,以创新求生存求发展,加快网络建设,适时开展电子商务的政策性建议。

    To Lifan alcohol industry Company , the author proposed the policy advice that " people first , structure the scientific inside management system "," accelerating innovation , and seeking survival and development by innovation "," accelerating the building of network , launching e-commerce in good time " .