
  1. 本文从WTO的规则以及我国电信行业在入世前后的市场结构变化出发,分析了我国电信业从垄断转变为竞争面临的人力资源管理体制僵化问题及其相应的改革措施与建议。

    The paper starts from the rules of WTO and the change of Chineses telecom market structure , analyzes inflexible problems in the human resource management of China telecom enterprises , whose situation changes from monopoly to competition , as well as the reform measures and suggestions .

  2. 创新图书馆人力资源管理体制;

    Second , to innovate management system of libraries ' human resources ;

  3. 人力资源管理体制的改革是国有企业改革的重要内容之一。

    The reform of human resource management system is an important part of the state-owned enterprise reform .

  4. 其次在报社管理体制方面提出了扁平化管理、报社信息沟通制度、创新型的人力资源管理体制等观点。

    Secondly has put forward management , information communication system of newspaper office , innovative human resources management system .

  5. 论图书馆人力资源管理体制的创新21世纪图书馆员职业理念与图书馆人本管理理念的关系

    The Relations between the Profession Ideas of Librarian and the Conception of Personal Management in Library in the Twenty-one Century

  6. 在此基础上,以该工作站为实例提出了完善地矿事业单位人力资源管理体制、机制的对策。

    In response to this , the paper offers some measures required for improving the system and mechanism of human resource management .

  7. 构建一个科学的经营管理体制及现代人力资源管理体制,是建设现代国有企业制度的核心和基础。

    To construct a scientific system of operation and management system of human resources is the key and basis in building a modern state-owned enterprise system .

  8. 并且深入探究了产生的原因,主要有人力资源管理体制落后、制度执行力度不足、人力资源开发缺乏创新等。

    And the paper explored the causes of major human resources management system backward , such as the system of inadequate enforcement , human resources development , lack of innovation .

  9. 因此,必须发展教育,优化人才结构,建立人才激励机制,改革人力资源管理体制,以提升我国国际竞争力。

    Hence , we should develop education , optimize talents structure , establish incentive mechanism for qualified personnel , and reform the management system of human resources to promote our international competition .

  10. 四是缺乏科学合理的人力资源管理体制和激励约束机制,团队意识不强、员工忠诚度降低。

    Fourthly , the human power resource management system and the impel-control mechanism of the branch are not reasonable enough while the sense of team is not strong and the clerks are getting less faithful in their bank .

  11. 由于历史的原因,尽管我国进行经济改革已经有20多个年头,但是我国国有企业在人力资源管理体制和方法发上与国外先进的企业还有着很大的差距,在竞争中处于劣势。

    Because of historical reason , though our proceed the economy reform up till now has been more than 20 years , but t human resource manage system in our state-owned firm is still backward compare to advanced foreign firms .

  12. 石油企业由于长期受计划经济体制的影响,在人力资源管理理念、管理体制、激励体制、激励手段以及员工潜能开发等方面还存在一些问题。

    Influenced by planned economy system , there still exist some problems in human resources management in petroleum enterprises .

  13. 然而,现实中许多高校体育教育人力资源开发和管理的体制不健全,运作也不畅通,并且缺乏应有的研究,尤其缺乏体育教育人力资源开发与管理层面上的有关研究。

    However , the exploitation and management of P.E education human resource in many universities is not perfect . It lacks the necessary study especially that of exploitation and management in P.E education human resource .

  14. 文章紧接着阐述了本部分的重点&主要研究现状,分析形成问题的原因:1、人力资源管理的观念、体制和机制落后;

    The article morrow expatiated the main research in this part of points present condition , analysis formation the reason of the problem : 1 , the idea , system of the human resource management falls behind with the mechanism ;

  15. 因此怎样提高人力资源管理水平,建立以人为本的人力资源管理体制和机制已是迫在眉睫的任务,且已经引起广大高校后勤管理者的高度重视。

    So it is extremely urgent to improve human resource management level and it is highly vital to build the human resource management system and mechanism based on human , which drew much attention from supervisors in logistics department .

  16. 我国高校进行人力资源管理实践的起步比较晚,在人力资源管理中计划体制的痕迹比较明显。

    The emergence of human power resource management practice in China was very late , and the imprint of planned economy is much obvious .

  17. 针对高校人力资源传统管理的弊端,借鉴企业先进的管理经验,探讨改革高校人力资源管理体制的策略,为高校的人力资源管理提出几点建议。

    For the drawbacks of traditional human resource management , learning from the management experience of advanced enterprises , this paper explores the strategies of reforming human resource management system in colleges , and make a few suggestions for human resource management in universities .

  18. 人力资源管理部门要更新观念,实行以人为本的管理方法,加强对员工的培训,不断改进人力资源管理体制。

    The management department should renew ideas , perform the human-based management strategy , and strengthen the employee 's training to improve the management system of human resources .

  19. 本文通过对国有商业银行现行人力资源管理中存在的问题进行探讨,提出必须按照人力资源国际化的要求,建立起充满生机与活力的人力资源管理体制。

    This paper discusses the existent problems in the present manpower resources management in state-run commercial banks and suggests that we set up an active manpower resources management system full of vitality , according to the internationalization requirement of manpower resources .

  20. 适应现代企业人力资源管理的趋势,国有企业应该正确分析其人力资源市场的状况,以企业的发展战略为目标,尽快建立人力资源战略管理体制。

    In order to adjust to the trend of labor resources managing , the national enterprises should analyze the situation of the labor market correctly , and put their development in the first place , establish the system of labor resources managing on time as well .