
  • 网络Eruption intensity;VEI
  1. 不同期次具有不同的火山活动方式、喷发强度及火山结构类型。

    Different stages have different volcanic regimes , eruptive intensity and volcanic structural type .

  2. 冰岛气象局称,这次喷发的强度预计比较小,不会造成空中交通中断。

    Iceland 's Meteorological Office says the eruption is expected to be small and shouldn 't cause a disruption on air travel routes .

  3. “喷发的强度有所降低,但火山活动仍剧烈,它仍发出热云,”政府火山学家苏罗诺告诉法新社。

    " The intensity of the eruption has decreased , but the volcano 's activity is still high and it still emits heat clouds ," government vulcanologist Surono told AFP .