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  • dragon;Fire-breathing dragon
  1. 没有残暴的喷火龙呢?

    Without a dragon to slay ?

  2. 中世纪纹章学中的一种喷火龙,有龙头,蛇尾,翅膀和两只脚。

    A fire-breathing dragon used in medieval heraldry ; had the head of a dragon and the tail of a snake and a body with wings and two legs .

  3. 他将从一只危险的喷火龙手里救出费欧娜公主。

    He will rescue Princess Fiona from a dangerous , fire-breathing dragon .

  4. 她被关在一个城堡里,由一只可怕的喷火龙看守着。

    She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon .

  5. 但将她从喷火龙手中解救出来、她相遇、爱进而结为连理的,不是俊美的王子,而是个绿色大怪物。

    Instead of a gorgeous prince coming to her rescue , Fiona met , fell in love with and married the massive green ogre that freed her from a fire-breathing dragon .

  6. 那是来自北方的喷火公龙。

    He was a firedrake from the North .