
pēn jiàn
  • splash;spatter;spilling;flashing;spurt
喷溅 [pēn jiàn]
  • (1) [spurt]∶[汁、液等] 受压力向四外射出

  • (2) [flashing]∶火花对焊接时由电弧引起的小金属颗粒的强烈飞溅

喷溅[pēn jiàn]
  1. 喷溅及连续退火对SPCC钢压平缝焊接头强度的影响

    Influence of Splash and Continuous Annealing on Strength of Mash Seam Welded SPCC Sheet Steel Joints

  2. 因此利用CFD技术对熔池熔炼喷吹搅拌的传热传质过程进行数值模拟研究,探讨喷吹速度、深度对熔池内流型的影响以及熔池喷溅对炉壁的破坏作用是十分必要的。

    Numerical simulation study on heat and mass transfer process and the use of CFD technology to the molten pool smelting blowing stirring , to investigate the effect of injection speed , depth of the bath flow and bath splash damage to the furnace wall is very necessary .

  3. 他脾气火暴,容易激动,就像一瓶喷溅的汽水。

    He is so hot-tempered and excitable , like a bottle of soda water exploding .

  4. AOD炉在铁合金冶炼过程中,经常发生喷溅。

    The frequent splashes take place in an AOD furnace in the ferroalloy smelting process .

  5. 150t转炉利用炉气分析进行喷溅预报及控制

    Slopping prediction and control on 150 t BOF by off-gas analysis

  6. 它的方法是通过借鉴于碟片储存行业的“喷溅”处理来沉积cigs层面。

    Its approach is to deposit the CIGS layer using a sputtering process borrowed from the disk-storage industry .

  7. 采用优化复吹模式,消除了原复吹模式在前3~4min出现的渣金喷溅。

    The former metal-slag splashing at 3 ~ 4 min disappeared under optimum combined blown patterns .

  8. 针对铬铁合金氩氧精炼过程中时常发生的喷溅现象,提出一种基于BT-SVM的喷溅预测方法。

    For the flash , a very common phenomenon in Cr-Fe alloy argon-oxygen decarburization refining process , here the splash-prediction method is proposed based on binary tree SVM ( BT-SVM ) .

  9. 第四章介绍冷却塔的工作原理,针对自然通风逆流式冷却塔中影响效率较大的塔芯部件提出设计改进方案,选用新型双向波型填料及TP-II型喷溅装置。

    In Chapter 4 , introduce the principle of cooling towers , put forward a new design project that aimed at discussing the core components of natural-draft counter-flow cooling tower , select new two-way wave trickling filler and TP-II spray device .

  10. 通过重钢85t复吹转炉1∶8的水模型,试验研究了顶枪枪位、底吹流量对转炉熔池混匀时间、炉口喷溅量、冲击深度和液面扰动的影响。

    The effect of top lance level and bottom blowing flowrate on mixed time in bath , mouth spraying , penetration depth in steel and liquid surface fluctuation have been studied by 1 ∶ 8 water modelling of a 85 t top-bottom combined blown converter at Chongqing Steel .

  11. 油罐火灾沸溢喷溅的控制措施

    On the Controlling Measures against the Boil-over in Oil Tank Fires

  12. 喷溅的痕迹比你所期望的范围要大。

    The trail of splatter is wider than you 'd expect .

  13. 好的,向后靠,因为你在喷溅区中。

    Well , lean back'cause you 're in the splashing zone .

  14. 旋弧喷溅侵蚀的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis on Erosion of Metal Droplet Ejection in Rotating Arcing

  15. 挑流水舌的水滴随机喷溅数学模型

    Mathematical model of droplet randomly formed by splash of nappe

  16. 如果来自胃,应该喷溅出。

    If it was in her stomach , it would have sprayed .

  17. 燃烧油品的沸溢喷溅特性分析研究

    The analysis and study of boil-over characteristics of Burning oil

  18. 转炉留渣操作炉渣喷溅临界条件的研究

    Study on critical condition of slag splashing for slag remaining in converter

  19. 装置可能会喷溅水,要安装在喷溅不会产生危害的地方。

    Device can spill water ; install where spillage is not objectionable .

  20. 完全与窗户旁的喷溅血迹吻合。

    Is a perfect match to the spatter next to the window .

  21. 水从龙头里喷溅着注入水桶中。

    Water splashed into the bucket from the tap .

  22. 横磁触头真空灭弧室内的电弧运动与液滴喷溅

    Arc Motion and Droplet Ejection in Vacuum Interrupters with Transverse Magnetic Field Contacts

  23. 电极材料喷溅侵蚀模型评述

    A review on sputter erosion models of electrode

  24. 然后喷溅在鞋上。

    And get sprayed on the shoe later .

  25. 关于转炉炼钢过程中喷溅现象的分析

    Analysis on slag slopping during BOF steelmaking

  26. 血喷溅到他的双手上。

    The blood spouted over his hands .

  27. 注意小儿在吃奶时会咳嗽,喷溅或呛噎。

    Be aware that the infant will cough , sputter , and choke during feedings .

  28. 寻找喷溅在地毯上墙上吊扇上

    and finding tiny specks of blood splattered on carpets and walls and ceiling fans ,

  29. 在日本开车,路面积水喷溅到行人会被罚。

    In Japan , the driver will be fined if the water splashed to the pedestrians .

  30. 重质油罐燃烧易发生油品的沸溢喷溅灾难性现象。

    The catastrophic phenomenon of boilover takes place easily in tank fires of the heavy oils .