
  • 网络Spray equipment;spray outfit;spray part;portable spray sled
  1. 飞机喷雾设备雾化性能评价的采样、观测技术

    Sampling and Observating Technique in Evaluation of Spray-Performance for Plane Spraying Equipment

  2. 为容器涂柏油或涂层的机器(喷雾设备除外)

    Cask-tarring or coating machine ( excl. spraying appliances )

  3. 超低量静电喷雾设备评述

    Comment on the Electrostatic Ultra-Low-Volume Spraying Equipment

  4. 以VAE乳液-707为主要原料,利用喷雾干燥设备制备了可再分散乳胶粉。

    Taking VAE-707 as major raw material , re-dispersible emulsoid powder was prepared using airflow spray dryer .

  5. PWG-300型喷雾干燥设备的研制

    Study on PWG-300 Type Spray Dryer

  6. 陶瓷厂喷雾干燥设备节能方法概述

    Outline to the energy-saving problem of the spray dryer in ceramics mill

  7. 粒子运动轨迹法在喷雾干燥设备中的应用Ⅰ设计方法

    Application of Particle Moving Trajectory Method in Spary Drying Equipment I Design Method

  8. 如何改进喷雾干燥设备提高产品质量的探讨

    Study on quality improvement by restructuring spray drying equipment

  9. 连续喷雾炼钢设备有多大?

    How big is the equipment for spray steelmaking ?

  10. 在农机测试中,雾滴粒度大小是农业喷雾机械设备性能的一项重要指标。

    Size of sprayed droplets is one of important indexes to measure properties of sprayers .

  11. 喷雾干燥设备设计的数学模拟法

    Mathematical simulating method for spray dryer design

  12. 食品工业用喷雾干燥设备

    Spray Drying Equipment in Food Industry

  13. 料雾粒度分布的实验分析和喷雾干燥设备的轨迹法设计

    Analyses of Droplet Size Distribution and Design of Spray Dryers Based on the Trajectories of Particles in Drying Continuum

  14. 以不同型式的喷雾干燥设备和不同的助干剂、不同的操作参数,研究了枣粉的喷雾干燥。

    Spray drying of jujube dates juice in different spray drying equipments , varies drying aids and operation conditions had been studied .

  15. 文中介绍了喷雾干燥设备设计的几种方法,并着重指出粒子运动轨迹法在喷雾干燥设备中的设计原理和方法。

    The article studies a kinds of method of the design of spary drying equipment . and points out design principle and method of spory drying equipment .

  16. 以超滤浓缩果胶液为试材,采用小型离心式喷雾干燥设备进行果胶的喷雾干燥试验。

    The spray-drying technology of pectin liquid extracted from pickled lemon peel and concentrated by ultrafiltration ( UF ) was studied in the experiment with a small centrifugal spray-dryer .

  17. 喷雾造粒干燥设备在生产连铸空心颗粒保护渣上的应用

    Application of spray-granulating drying device to production of CC hollow grained mould powder

  18. 低压喷雾干燥造粒设备在连铸保护渣生产中的应用

    Applications of low-pressure spray dryer in casting protection residual

  19. 喷雾增湿设备的数学模拟设计

    Mathematical simulation for design of spray humid tower

  20. 本文着重分析了国内影响掘进机生产发展的主要因素,总结了国内掘进机掘错一体化、喷雾降尘设备随机化、完善液压系统和进一步提高中小型机可靠性等问题。

    Stress is laid on analyais of main factors affectomg development of roadheaders in china , and problems existing in the fields of integration of drivage and bolting , randomized water-spraying dust suppression , improvement of hydraulic system and operating reliability of medium AED small-sized roadhead ers .

  21. 自动驾驶仪,可携带一个喷雾器,收割设备使用,或只在培育时间使用。

    Autopilot can be used with a sprayer , harvesting equipment or only at the time of cultivation .

  22. 嫩枝扦插时,使用带有自动喷雾装置的扦插设备和透气性好的河沙作扦插基质以及选择适宜的扦插时间能显著提高扦插成活率,成活率可达75%。

    When softwood cuttage , it could improve the survival rate to seventy-five percent by using auto-spray system , ventilated substrate and choosing appropriate season .

  23. 在对物料含水率要求并不很高且生产任务相同的情况下,喷雾-旋流组合干燥较单级的喷雾干燥设备投资减少21.7%,年能耗费用减少25.8%,年总费用减少24.5%。

    At the same drying task , comparing spray-cyclone combined drying with the single-stage spray drying , equipment investment decreased 21.7 % , 25.8 % reduction in energy cost , annual cost reduction of 24.5 % .