
  • 网络spray;spraying device;spray device
  1. 采煤机喷雾装置改进研究

    Study to the Innovation for the Spray Unit of the Shearer

  2. 煤矿炮采自动喷雾装置的研制

    Development of Automatic Spray Device for Blasting Mining in Coal Mines

  3. 方法将重组人干扰素α2b原液进行稀释,调整pH和渗透压,加入适宜稳定剂,除菌过滤后分装于带有定量喷雾装置的棕色玻璃瓶。

    Methods Dilute the bulk of recombinant human interferon α 2b , adjust pH and osmotic pressure , add a suitable preservative , sterilize by filtration and distribute into brown glass bottle with a device for quantitatively spraying .

  4. MG200采煤机外喷雾装置的改进

    The Improvement of External Sprayer unit on MG 200 Coal-Mining Machine

  5. 利用光照喷雾装置,采用ABT生根粉处理色木槭半木质化嫩枝,在不同基质内进行色木槭嫩枝扦插试验。

    A softwood cutting test of Acer mono was conducted which adopted method of treating semi - lignified cuttings by ABT rooting powder and spraying with light installation .

  6. 本文首先对纳电喷雾装置进行了实验室研制,将电喷雾技术和溶胶-凝胶反应相结合,分别对无机基质的纳米级硅球及纳米级C8键合相硅球的制备进行了研究。

    In this paper , a nano-electrospray emitter has been made in our laboratory , then deeply research has been processed , which is research of preparation of inorganic silica nano spheres and C8 bonded silica nano spheres by sol-gel processing combined with electro-spray technique in one step .

  7. 全光雾插自动喷雾装置的改进

    The Improvement upon Auto-spraying Device for the Full Light Fog Cuttage

  8. 转盘和气力组合雾化多用喷雾装置的研究

    Studies on multi-purpose spraying device with combined disc and air-blast atomization

  9. 果树仿形喷雾装置的虚拟设计

    Virtual design of the profile modeling spraying mechanism to fruit tree

  10. 等离子体脉冲荷电喷雾装置

    Research on Equipment of Electrostatic Spraying with Pulse Plasma

  11. 综合防尘自动喷雾装置在煤矿井下的应用

    Application of Comprehensive Anti-dust Automats in the Coal Mine

  12. 静电喷雾装置改装设计与试验研究

    Improved Design and Experimental Study on Electrostatic Spraying

  13. ∏形高压喷雾装置的研制和应用

    The ∏ type high pressure sprays fog equips of research to manufacture with applied

  14. 虚拟样机技术及其在果树仿形喷雾装置研制中的应用

    Application of Virtual Prototype Technology in the Profile Modeling Spray Equipment for Fruit Trees

  15. 介绍了用气动逻辑控制技术研制的煤矿掘进工作面自动喷雾装置。

    The paper introduced the pneumatic logic control technology applied to auto spray device in roadway development .

  16. 本文报道了3WJ&1型静电喷雾装置和使用技术的研究结果。

    This paper presents some results of the investigation on Model 3 WJ-1 Electrostatic Sprayer and its application .

  17. 首次将虚拟现实技术运用到高射程喷雾装置的设计中。

    It was first time to make use of virtual reality technology in design of high range air-assisted spraying equipment .

  18. 介绍了自制的液相色谱-质谱联用传送带接口喷雾装置,研究了喷雾技术。

    A home-made spraying device of moving belt interface for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry is described and the spraying technique investigated .

  19. 用电子喷雾装置测定了鱼藤酮和非洲山毛豆提取物气雾剂对致倦库蚊和德国小蠊的击倒活性。

    The Bioassay of rotenone and Tephrosia vogelii extracts aerosols to Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus , Blattellagermanica were researched with electron sprayer .

  20. 嫩枝扦插时,使用带有自动喷雾装置的扦插设备和透气性好的河沙作扦插基质以及选择适宜的扦插时间能显著提高扦插成活率,成活率可达75%。

    When softwood cuttage , it could improve the survival rate to seventy-five percent by using auto-spray system , ventilated substrate and choosing appropriate season .

  21. 现在我们有充分的证据证明伊拉克已经开始发展和测试喷雾装置,这种喷雾装置可用于无人机上。

    POWELL : There is ample evidence that Iraq has dedicated much effort to developing and testing spray devices that could be adapted for UAVs .

  22. 最后本文列举应用于工业降尘和农、园林喷洒农药的喷雾装置的实例。

    At the end of this paper examples are cited as to where spraying devices are used to solve industrial laying the dust and spray insecticide of farming and gardens etc.

  23. 最后,通过对高射程喷雾装置中的重要部件喷筒进行对比试验,验证了文中虚拟设计的结果与实际测试值基本吻合。

    Finally , the basic agreement between the design results and the experimental results was validated by the contrastive test of spray duct which is important part in this equipment .

  24. 本文根据“全光雾插自动喷雾装置”使用中存在的问题,分析了原因,提出改进意见,并通过实验加以验证。

    In view of the problems which cropped up in the previous Auto-Spraying Full-Light-Fog cuttage device , this paper analyses the causes of the problems and gives improving ideas based on experiments .

  25. 通过这次的试验为其他类型静电喷雾装置的研制和静电喷雾技术的推广应用提供了科学依据。

    The experiment carried out in the dissertation will provide some scientific bases for the research on electrostatic spray devices of other types , and for the popularization and application of electrostatic spray technologies .

  26. 本文运用优化设计方法和虚拟现实技术对风送高射程喷雾装置进行研究,完成了喷雾装置中主要部件结构和性能参数的优化设计,并建立了高射程喷雾装置的设计软件。

    This paper studied high range air-assisted spraying equipment by optimum design method and virtual reality technology , finished optimum design of main part in this equipment and developed design software of this equipment .

  27. 对气流喷雾干燥装置几个问题的探讨

    Considerations of the problems encountered in the air spray drying system

  28. 感温式全光自动间歇喷雾育苗装置及其在园林扦插中的应用

    Application of thermometer sensor intermittent misting system in the cutting propagation

  29. 家畜微电脑自控喷雾降温装置对奶牛热应激防制效果考核

    Effects of Computerized Auto-spraying Cooling Equipment on Heat-stress Prevention of Dairy Cattle

  30. 流化床喷雾造粒装置的最大喷液量的研究

    Model of maximum liquid rate of fluidized spray granulator