
shì hào pǐn
  • addictive things
  1. 随着消费的多样化,嗜好品及调理食品的支出也在增加,加工食品所占比例的提高,间接也使食品加工用酶的需求有所增加。

    The diversification of consumption and the increase of processed food percentage indirectly heighten the requirements of food processing enzymes .

  2. 烟叶又是一种嗜好品,其质量最终是由吸食者(消费者)根据其个人的感官感受来评价的,同时烟叶也是一种特殊的商品,用途单一。

    As a kind of hobby and special merchandise , the evaluation of tobacco leaf quality ultimately depends on the consumers ' taste .

  3. 作为食用的槟榔,槟榔与香烟、口香糖已并列成为许多国家现今最流行的口腔嗜好品,它在全世界许多国家的销售量越来越大。

    Betelnut , cigarette and chutty have been considered as popular mouth hobby staple in many countries , and the demand become larger and larger .

  4. 烟草是对健康有害的嗜好品,它有特殊的市场形态,其价格弹性和收入弹性都不同于普通产品。

    Tobacco is a harmful addictive product with special market performance . The price elasticity of demand for tobacco and its elasticity of income are different from normal market .

  5. 烟草作为一种嗜好性消费品,其品质质量和安全性备受消费者关注。

    As a hobby of consumer goods , the quality and safety of tobacco is concerned by the consumers .

  6. 在此基础上初步考证了中国古代嗜好性作物开始加工为嗜好品消费的最早历史记录。

    And then this study verified the earliest record of processing stimulant crops into stimulant products .