
  • 网络adaptation;adaptive response;adjustment reaction;habituation
  1. DNA损伤修复能力对辐射适应性反应的影响

    Role of DNA damage repair capacity in radiation induced adaptive response

  2. 小剂量辐射对淋巴细胞DNA的影响及适应性反应

    Effect and adaptive response of lymphocytes DNA induced by low dose irradiation

  3. 丝裂霉素C和X射线在小鼠体内诱发的交叉适应性反应

    Cross adaptation induced by low dose X rays in whole body mice

  4. 低剂量γ射线诱导的淋巴细胞DNA断裂的适应性反应

    Adaptive response of DNA strand breaks in lymphocytes to low dose and γ - rays

  5. 甲基汞、电离辐射对小鼠胸腺DNA合成及适应性反应的影响

    Effects of Methylmercury ( MeHg ) and Ionizing Radiation on Adaptation and DNA Synthesis of Thymus of Mice

  6. [结论]低剂量电离辐射对SOD有兴奋作用,但未诱导出适应性反应。

    But the adaptive reaction did not result from low dose radiation .

  7. 辐射对淋巴细胞RNA、蛋白质合成的影响及其诱导的适应性反应

    Radiation Effect and Adaptive Response by Low-dose Irradiation on RNA and Protein Synthesis in Human Lymphocytes

  8. 低剂量X射线照射诱导HeLa细胞存活的兴奋效应及适应性反应

    Hormesis and adaptive response of survival in HeLa cells induced by low dose X-ray irradiation

  9. 小剂量~(60)Coγ线慢性照射诱发小鼠骨髓细胞适应性反应的研究

    Induction of adaptive response by low dose ~ ( 60 ) co γ rays in bone marrow cells of mice

  10. 在重金属胁迫条件下植物螯合肽(PC)的合成是植物对胁迫的一种适应性反应。

    The synthesis of PC in response to the stress caused by heavy metals is one of the adaptive responses common in higher plants .

  11. 苹果属植物缺铁适应性反应中IAA的作用

    Role of IAA in Root Iron - deficiency Stress Responses of the Genus Malus

  12. 低剂量吸入MTBE诱导小鼠遗传损伤的适应性反应

    The adaptive response of genotoxicity in mice exposure to low level of gaseous MTBE

  13. 脱落酸(AbscisicAcid,ABA)广泛参与植物生长发育的调控和对多种环境胁迫的适应性反应。

    Abscisic acid ( ABA ) regulates various physiological processes of plant growth and development , besides mediating adaptive responses to diverse environmental stresses .

  14. 长期高强度间歇训练后心肌肌球蛋白ATP酶活性和线粒体的适应性反应相似,可能具有相同的生理学意义。

    After high-strength interval training , the accommodate reactions of activities of globulin-ATPase and mitochondria were the same , probably have similar physiology significance .

  15. 目的研究低剂量X射线照射诱导小鼠睾丸生精细胞凋亡及p53基因表达的适应性反应。

    Objective The adaptive response of spermatogenic cell apoptosis and p53 gene expression induced by whole-body low dose radiation ( LDR ) with X-rays was studied in male Kunming mice .

  16. 然而ODC活性变化似乎与品种耐盐性关系不甚密切,仅为NaCl胁迫的适应性反应.最后本文提出了NaCl胁迫下甘蔗的多胺代谢及其可能的适应机制。

    However , ODC activity might be irrelative to the saline-tolerance of cultivars and as an adaptive reaction for NaCl stress only .

  17. 缺氧诱导因子(HIF-1α,hypoxia-induciblefactor-1α)是介导细胞对缺氧微环境进行适应性反应的关键性转录调控因子。

    Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 α( HIF-1 α) is a key transcriptional control factor of progressive adaptation reaction mediated cell hypoxia microenvironment .

  18. 从多胺种类上来看,黄瓜幼苗体内三种形态Put均向Spd和Spm的转化可能是黄瓜幼苗(至少是该品种)对高温胁迫的一种适应性反应。

    From the species of PAs , the conversion from Put to Spd and Spm was likely a kind of adaptive response to heat stress for cucumber seedlings .

  19. 目的:观察低剂量长波紫外线(UVA)诱导培养人皮肤角质形成细胞适应性反应的程度及特点,探讨其对皮肤可能的保护作用。

    Objective : To investigate the extent and features of the adaptation reaction induced by low dose UVA irradiation .

  20. 低剂量电离辐射诱导EL-4细胞适应性反应中DNA-PKcs基因的作用研究

    Study of DNA-PKcs Gene in Adaptive Response to Low Dose Radiation Induced EL-4 Cells

  21. 应用DNA解旋荧光测定(FADU)法,研究了小剂量辐射对淋巴细胞DNA的影响及其诱导的适应性反应。

    Fluorometric analysis of DNA unwinding ( FADU ) was conducted and was proved to be an optimal method for studying DNA strand breaks induced by low dose irradiation .

  22. 缺氧诱导因子1(HIF-1)是一类介导缺氧适应性反应的转录因子,能调节许多缺氧反应基因的表达。

    Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 ( HIF-1 ), a nuclear transcription factor induced by hypoxia , regulate the response of a variety of genes to hypoxic stimulus .

  23. 低剂量X射线全身照射诱导脾淋巴细胞内[Ca~(2+)]i及CD71表达的适应性反应

    Adaptive response of [ ca 2 + ] I and CD71 expression in splenic lymphocytes induced by low dose WBI with X rays in mice

  24. 目的探讨PARP-1在适应性反应中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the role of ( PARP-1 ) in adaptive response .

  25. PARP-1及其相关因子在适应性反应中的表达改变

    The expression change of PARP-1 and its correlation factors association with the adaptive response

  26. VEGF-A也证实与视网膜缺血的适应性反应有关。

    VEGF-A was also shown to be involved in the adaptive response to retinal ischemia .

  27. 低剂量甲基叔丁基醚诱导机体DNA损伤的适应性反应及PARP-1蛋白在其中的作用

    The Adaptive Response of the DNA Damage in the Body Induced by Pretreatment with Low Dose of MTBE and the Role of PARP-1 Protein in the Adaptive Response

  28. 该文介绍了感觉门控的惊跳反射、PPI及适应性反应的概念;

    The article reviewed the PPI research , as including the following contents : the definition of startle reflex , PPI , and habituation ;

  29. 预先给予MMC(终浓度为35ng/mL)处理,6h后给予1.5GyX射线照射,可诱导人血淋巴细胞染色体畸变的交叉适应性反应;

    Chromosome aberrations of human blood lymphocytes by 1.5 Gy X irradiation 6 h after MMC ( final concentration is 35 ng / mL ) applied .

  30. 结果虽然放、化疗导致荷瘤小鼠的CA升高,但D1可以使这种升高的程度降低。结论低剂量化疗药物可以诱导细胞遗传学适应性反应。

    Results The rates decreased after mice were exposed to D1.Conclusion It suggests that cells genetic adaptive response can be reduced by low dose chemotherapy medicine on experimental tumor radiotherapy or chemotherapy .