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  • just now
适来 [shì lái]
  • [just now] 方才;刚才

  • 适来谁进去了?

  1. 我通知她我因身体不适不能来了。

    I informed her that I was unwell and could not come .

  2. 因此迫切需要提出一种广适方法来解决不完善信息的定量和定性融合问题。

    Therefore , an extensive method needs to be proposed urgently to solve the quantitative and qualitative fusion problems .

  3. 絮凝是一种常用的处理污水的方法,本研究的目的就是要找到一种合适的絮凝剂和絮凝的最适条件来处理马铃薯淀粉生产过程中产生的废水。

    The aim of this study was that : finding appropriate flocculants and their optimum conditions of treatment to reduce the COD of potato starch industry wastewater .

  4. 他以身体不适为借口来赢得时间。

    He tried to buy time by saying he hadn 't been well .

  5. 因此有必要对这一现象进行研究,来认清事实、查明原因,便于制定相适的对策来预防与干预其负面影响。

    So it is necessary to research this phenomenon for finding facts and reasons .

  6. 它可以用普适泛函方程来描述,同时可以进行定量的测量。

    They can be described by the universal function equation aud can be measured quantitatively .

  7. 拓展实验表明此法可以作为一种普适的路线来合成多种稀土氟化物空壳结构。

    This route can be served as a general method to synthesis other rare earth compounds hollow structures .

  8. 但光疗法的长期疗效数据仍然匮乏,故必须因应其成本及过程不适的考虑来小心挑选治疗患者。

    Long-term efficacy of light-based therapy is still lacking and careful selection of patients is necessary given its cost and discomfort .

  9. 现今许多有关教学评量的研究都是以教师为主线,集中在如何利用网络适性测验来确定学生的学习能力;

    At present , many studies on teaching evaluation center on teachers and how students ' learning ability can be recognized through computer adaptive testing .

  10. 红姐八成是怕我们又让她在饯行宴上买单,托词找不到运动装身体不适等等不来了。

    Jiang Xu80 % of our fear is letting her farewell feast on * and find excuses not sportswear unwell , and so on has come .

  11. 研究初中生的高效率学习问题,一是要了解初中生的认知特点以及学习风格类型,以便采取适配策略来提高学习效率。

    Firstly , the junior high school students ′ cognitive characteristics and learning style should be known in order to take proper strategies to improve learning efficiency .

  12. 由于各个厂商生产的电源设备的接口和协议也是各不相同的,因此,必须有一个适配系统来提供满足标准要求的通信接口。

    As a result of power equipment interface coming from each manufacturer is different , therefore , adaptive systems that meet standards of the communication interface should be designed .

  13. 虽然他感到不适,今天还来上课。

    He came to class today although he is not feeling well .

  14. 同辣椒类的植物相似,狼蛛也能产生会引起不适反应的毒素来击退潜在的掠食者。

    Like chili plants , tarantulas produce agony-inflicting toxins designed to repel would-be predators , researchers say .

  15. 然而,如果将来观察发现出现了冲突,这时就需要去适配或推导来寻找一个更好的规则。

    If , however , future observations lead to contradiction , either an adaption or a new inference is necessary to find a better rule .

  16. 同时,依据手机位置服务自身的特点,选取准确性和实时性来衡量信息的质量,普适性和及时性来衡量系统的质量。

    In the meantime , on the basis of the characteristics of mobile location-based services , select accuracy and currency as the criteria to measure the quality of the information , ubiquity and timeliness to measure the quality of the system .

  17. 贝叶斯方法求解反问题时,不是将反问题的不适定性规则化而达到一个点估计,而是将反问题在统计空间中认为是适定的来求解随机变量的分布问题。

    Unlike other techniques that aim at regularizing the ill-posed inverse problem to achieve appoint estimate , the Bayesian method treats the inverse problem as a well-posed problem in an expanded stochastic space and solves for the distribution of random unknown .