
  • 网络Adaptive Peak
  1. 冰蓄冷空调技术作为削峰填谷的有效措施和适应峰谷电价管理策略的一种技术,已经受到世界各国的重视并得到越来越广泛的推广。

    As one of the successful measures of shifting on-peak loads to off-peak periods and strategies of electricity load management , the ice thermal storage has been widely used in many countries of the world .

  2. 能自动匹配测速发电机、电磁式测速传感器和电磁涡轮流量计,适应电压峰峰值从1伏以下至300多伏、频率从1Hz以下至2500Hz以上的被测信号。

    It can automatically match rotational speed generator , electromagnetic rotational speed sensor and electromagnetic turbine flowmeter . Moreover it can adapted measured signal that is 1V ~ 300V voltage and 1Hz ~ 2500Hz frequency .

  3. 自动适应高峰低峰用气,大量节能。

    Automatically adapt to fluctuating air demand and save you a lot of energy .