
  1. 这个组合的首张专辑一经推出便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。

    The group 's debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic .

  2. 对某些人来说,说唱乐——嘻哈一族的音乐——简直就是噪音。

    For some people , rap — the music of the hip-hop generation — is just so much noise

  3. 20世纪80年代,嘻哈风靡全美。

    During the 1980s , hip-hop became popular all over the USA.

  4. 我记得第一次听嘻哈的情形。

    I remember the first time I heard hip-hop .

  5. 上次听到嘻哈音乐的时候我在西非。

    The last time I heard hip-hop , I was in West Africa .

  6. 像法国、巴西甚至日本这样的国家都有自己的嘻哈文化。

    Countries like France , Brazil and even Japan have their own hip-hop culture .

  7. 不论在哪儿,你都能听到嘻哈音乐。

    You can find hip-hop everywhere you go .

  8. 当我遇见一位年轻的嘻哈艺术家时,我正准备采访一位传统的说书人。

    I was going to interview a traditional storyteller when I met a young hip-hop artist .

  9. 嘻哈文化诞生了。

    Hip-hop culture was born .

  10. 最后,DAM是个由巴勒斯坦裔的以色列公民组成的嘻哈团体。

    Lastly , DAM is a hip hop group of Israeli citizen Palestinians .

  11. 是“武当帮”乐队最初的队名呢(*WuTangClan:黑人嘻哈乐队)

    was the original name of the Wu Tang Clan .

  12. 《坏血》(BadBlood)这首歌有轰鸣的鼓声,令人想起比利·斯奎尔(BillySquier)经常被嘻哈乐采样的那些乐段。

    and " Bad Blood , " which has booming drums reminiscent of the Billy Squier ones often sampled in hip-hop .

  13. 他的另一家公司西蒙斯拉森媒体集团(SimmonsLathanMediaGroup)则是一家主要从事嘻哈音乐和城市内容的媒体公司。

    His Simmons Lathan media group is a media firm focusing on hip-hop and urban content .

  14. 这位YoungMoney唱片公司的女王从不掩饰自己想要按照自己的想法改变嘻哈音乐的雄心,但她的尝试之路却屡遭批评,并不顺畅。

    Young Money 's queen bee has never been shy about her desire to bend hip-hop to her will , and her experimentation hasn 't always gone over well with critics .

  15. CNN发送了一张嘻哈歌手”我是威尔“的现场全息图去他们的演播室,

    where CNN beamed a live hologram of hip hop artist will.i.am into their studio

  16. 我是DAM嘻哈乐队的一员。这个乐队建于1999年,现在被视为中东地区的先锋。

    DAM , the hip-hop band of which I 'm a member , started in 1999 and we are now seen as pioneers in the Middle East .

  17. 看这就是嘻哈芭比和她的Wu-TangClan(Wu-TangClan饶舌第一团)

    Look , it 's hip-hop Barbie and her Wu-Tang Clan2 .

  18. 嘻哈团体黑眼豆豆在iTunes商店里成为明星

    Hip-hop group the black eyed peas were asked To star in an itunes commercial .

  19. 八十年代,美国青少年从黑人嘻哈乐歌词的俚语中学来了“dis”一词&这一现象并非偶然。

    It is no accident that American teenagers picked up the slang term " dis " from black hiphop lyrics in the1980s .

  20. 他学英语的一个方法是听NAS等具有社会意识的美国说唱歌手的嘻哈专辑。

    One of his language learning strategies was listening to hip hop albums from socially conscious American rappers such as NAS .

  21. 在90年代丹尼斯-罗德曼给世界看他满身的纹身,但是艾佛森把嘻哈真正带进了NBA。

    Dennis Rodman bared his tattoos for the world to see during the mid-1990s , but Iverson became the embodiment of hip-hop in the NBA .

  22. 坎耶•维斯特(KanyeWest)穿着镶嵌金色饰钉的克里斯蒂安•娄伯丁(ChristianLouboutin)乐福鞋;黑眼豆豆组合(BlackEyedPeas)中的嘻哈明星will.i.am则是穿着一双令人咂舌的高帮鞋。

    Kanye West in Christian Louboutin 's gold-studded men 's loafers , and Black Eyed Peas star Will.i.am , in eye-catching high-tops .

  23. 另一项对133名成年人的研究显示,边听嘻哈音乐边做阅读测验会大大降低考试成绩,该报告于2010年发表在《教育学学者杂志》(JournaloftheScholarshipofTeachingandLearning)上。

    In separate research , listening to hip-hop music was linked to a significant reduction in reading-test scores , based on a study of 133 adults published in 2010 in the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning .

  24. 《汉密尔顿》的曲谱对嘻哈乐行家的耳朵会十分受用,许多曲子参考了GrandmasterFlash、FuriousFive和MobbDeep等乐人的作品。

    The score of " Hamilton " " is a treat for sharp-eared hip-hop fans , packed with references to songs by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five , Mobb Deep and others .

  25. 就嘻哈音乐那种范儿,你们都懂的,TED赞爆了--就这意思

    Cuz , like , as a hip hop thing , you know what I 'm say'n , TED be rock'n -- you know what I 'm say'n.

  26. EchoNest从2005年开始着手建立一个庞大的数据库,它就像一个能理解音乐的大脑,如果你喜欢当红嘻哈音乐巨星坎耶•维斯特,它就会向你推荐另一个嘻哈歌手德雷克的音乐。

    Starting in 2005 , they set about creating a vast database , a music brain that , based on your interest in Kanye West , can suggest you check out rapper Drake .

  27. 这是对cool这个词的基本定义,但这只是一个形容词,所以称某人为coolcat酷猫,就像是说某人是嘻哈派/有范或者很时髦的人。

    This is basically the definition of the world cool , but thats an adjective , so to call somebody a cool cat is like saying that hes a hip / stylish and / or popular guy .

  28. 随着嘻哈越来越受到欢迎,转动唱盘的dj和手持麦克风的MC成了都市派对上的固定角色。

    As hip-hop grew in popularity , the DJ with his two turntables , and the MC armed with a microphone , became regular features at urban parties .

  29. 但是同时身为NBA运动员和嘻哈歌手,有这这种与众不同的经历,意味着你必须将二者融合在一起嘛?

    But when it comes to the unique experience of being an NBA player who is also a rapper , you have to integrate your own music into your pregame routine , right ?

  30. 培养嘻哈文化的正面力量要归功于曾做过帮派头目和DJ的阿弗里卡·班巴塔,他被公认为嘻哈文化的教父。

    Hip-hop culture 's positive energy was fostered5 by Afrika Bambaataa , a former gang leader and dj who is regarded as the godfather of hip-hop .