
  • 网络Hip-Hop;hip hop;hip hop music;HIP-HOP MUSIC;hip-pop
  1. 上次听到嘻哈音乐的时候我在西非。

    The last time I heard hip-hop , I was in West Africa .

  2. 不论在哪儿,你都能听到嘻哈音乐。

    You can find hip-hop everywhere you go .

  3. 他的另一家公司西蒙斯拉森媒体集团(SimmonsLathanMediaGroup)则是一家主要从事嘻哈音乐和城市内容的媒体公司。

    His Simmons Lathan media group is a media firm focusing on hip-hop and urban content .

  4. 这位YoungMoney唱片公司的女王从不掩饰自己想要按照自己的想法改变嘻哈音乐的雄心,但她的尝试之路却屡遭批评,并不顺畅。

    Young Money 's queen bee has never been shy about her desire to bend hip-hop to her will , and her experimentation hasn 't always gone over well with critics .

  5. 另一项对133名成年人的研究显示,边听嘻哈音乐边做阅读测验会大大降低考试成绩,该报告于2010年发表在《教育学学者杂志》(JournaloftheScholarshipofTeachingandLearning)上。

    In separate research , listening to hip-hop music was linked to a significant reduction in reading-test scores , based on a study of 133 adults published in 2010 in the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning .

  6. 就嘻哈音乐那种范儿,你们都懂的,TED赞爆了--就这意思

    Cuz , like , as a hip hop thing , you know what I 'm say'n , TED be rock'n -- you know what I 'm say'n.

  7. EchoNest从2005年开始着手建立一个庞大的数据库,它就像一个能理解音乐的大脑,如果你喜欢当红嘻哈音乐巨星坎耶•维斯特,它就会向你推荐另一个嘻哈歌手德雷克的音乐。

    Starting in 2005 , they set about creating a vast database , a music brain that , based on your interest in Kanye West , can suggest you check out rapper Drake .

  8. 建筑师克里斯・帕多(ChrisPardo)最近在加利福尼亚州棕榈泉(PalmSprings,Calif.)南部沙漠中的科切拉音乐节(musicfestivalCoachella)中参与了主要活动,并在后台遇到了嘻哈音乐二人组合Outkast。

    Architect Chris Pardo recently caught the main acts at the music festival Coachella in the desert south of Palm Springs , Calif. , and met the hip-hop duo Outkast backstage .

  9. 嘻哈音乐史学家A-tone认为:“它们只是名字相同,仅此而已。”最初的哈林摇摆舞诞生于30年前的哈林区篮球场上,是由已故的阿尔伯特·利奥波德·博伊斯(AIB)在嘻哈音乐早期最先发明的。

    A-tone , a hip-hop historian , says " they share the name but that 's it . " The original dance was created by the late Albert Leopold Boyce ( Al B ) on Harlem 's basketball courts three decades ago in the early days of hip hop .

  10. 嘻哈音乐流行团体街头霸王宣布将开始首次世界巡回演出。

    Hip-hop pop collective Gorillaz have announced their first world tour .

  11. 爱玉:你听嘻哈音乐吗?

    Jade : Do you listen to hip-hop music ?

  12. 我每周四都去,那是嘻哈音乐之夜。

    I would go every Thursday : hip-hop night .

  13. 你喜欢听嘻哈音乐吗?恩。

    Do you like listening to hip hop ?

  14. 在我8岁的时候,就发现了我的初恋&嘻哈音乐。

    At the age of8 , I discovered my first love , Hip-Hop music .

  15. 此外还有国际嘻哈音乐,不仅仅是美国的。

    Then there is the international hip-hop scene , not just from the US .

  16. 真的吗?我比较喜欢嘻哈音乐。

    Really ? I like hip-hop music better .

  17. 九十年代初活跃在纽约嘻哈音乐界

    Very active on the hip-hop scene in New York in the early ' 90s ,

  18. 你们那些嘻哈音乐等得起,我们得先聊聊你们打球的问题。

    The hippity hop can wait . We 've got to talk about your game .

  19. 你们觉得嘻哈音乐跟比波普音乐如何呢?

    How is hip-hop like be-bop ?

  20. 我是说,假如这是嘻哈音乐或其它我和朋友都会听的音乐……

    I mean , if it 's hip-hop or something I listen to with my friends ...

  21. 现在,从大众广播到电视广告,嘻哈音乐似乎无所不在。

    It seems that hip-hop music is ubiquitous these days , from popular radio to TV commercials .

  22. 我喜欢摇滚乐和嘻哈音乐,但是我最喜欢的是爵士乐。

    I like rock music and hip-hop music . But my favorite kind of music is jazz .

  23. 东海岸和西海岸的竞争已经不再局限于嘻哈音乐、美食和时尚。

    THE East Coast / West Coast rivalry is not just over hip-hop , food and fashion anymore .

  24. 他渴望成为一名在嘻哈音乐方面有突出优势的全能亚洲明星。

    Wu is keen to be known as an all-round Asian star with a specific edge in hip-hop music .

  25. 我住在纽约时看过、听过很多早期嘻哈音乐,维纳回忆说。

    I saw and listened to a lot of early hip-hop when I lived in New York , Winer recalls .

  26. 它具备嘻哈音乐视频的所有典型特征,从招牌式的慢动作到含糊不清的吐词。

    It features all the typical hallmarks of hip hop music videos , from stylized slow motion to snarled lips .

  27. 他还说,做人之道和说唱或嘻哈音乐中描述的生活并不相同。

    Being a man , he said , is not about life as portrayed in some rap or hip-hop music .

  28. 好的,好的,就算你不再喜欢我们的嘻哈音乐,但这又是什么鬼东西?

    Okay , okay , you 're not feeling my hip-hop , but what the hell is this , man ?

  29. 丽,你这样说可不公平!我听嘻哈音乐并且我的一件套衫上也一顶风帽。(年轻人的特征)

    Li , that 's not fair . I listen to hip-hop and one of my jumpers has a hood .

  30. 嘻哈音乐对这张唱片的影响很明显,另外它也受到了雷鬼和舞厅雷鬼(dacehall)元素的影响,反映出她与伦敦的加勒比社区关系密切。

    The influence is apparent , along with reggae and dancehall elements that reflect her proximity to London 's Caribbean community .