
  • 网络kibbutz
  1. 它们仍然恪尽职守提供着基布兹闻名遐迩的乳制品。

    They still provide the dairy products the kibbutz is known for .

  2. 他写信给犹太代理机构,要求访问一处基布兹。

    He wrote to the Jewish Agency asking to visit a kibbutz .

  3. 在以色列北部的拜奥伦基布兹农场上,大火正在吞噬房屋。

    Flames approach houses in kibbutz Beit Oren in northern Israel , Thursday , Dec.2,2010 .

  4. 基布兹&独特的以色列生活方式

    Kibbutz-A Unique Israeli Way of Life

  5. 加兰特说,很显然,这些激进分子原来计划袭击基布兹集体农庄或者绑架一名军人。

    He said the militants were apparently planning to attack a kibbutz collective farm or to kidnap a soldier .

  6. 已经在这里生活超过50年的基布兹档案保管员多夫·哈特威表示这次冲突与以往大不相同。

    Dov Hartuv , the kibbutz archivist , has lived here for more than 50 years . He says the conflict was different this time .

  7. 两个月前,笔者有幸前往以色列参观南部沙漠里的一个基布兹,感受独特的以色列生活方式。

    Two months ago , the author was invited to visit Israel and had a chance to experience the unique Israeli way of life in a kibbutz .