
jī shù cí
  • cardinal number;cardinal numeral
  1. 本文采用词化理论和语料统计分析手段,着重讨论了英语合体数词复合词(即按基数词+X模式词化而成的单纯复合词)的词化能力、词化密度和句法特征。

    From the perspective of Lexicalization and data statistical analysis , the paper attempts to investigate three parameters of the English conflated numeric compounds ( simple compounds following the pattern " cardinal number + X "): lexicalization capability , lexicalization density , and syntactic features .

  2. 自从Horn(1972)提出蕴涵等级的概念以来,基数词的语义和语用问题就一直是语言学界争论的热点问题之一。

    The semantics and pragmatics of cardinals have been one of the hottest issues in linguistics since Horn proposed the concept of " entailment scale " in 1972 .

  3. 换言之,基数词并不构成蕴涵等级。

    In other words , cardinals do not constitute entailment scale .

  4. 指出以下句子中划线(红色)部分的基数词的语法作用。

    Decide the functions of the underlined cardinal numbers in the following sentences .

  5. 用基数词做文章来委婉表达人体机能。

    Playing on the use of cardinal numbers as euphemisms for bodily functions .

  6. 这表明,语言习得系统对于基数词和量化词所做的处理是不同的。

    We take the results to indicate that language acquisition system handle cardinals and quantifiers in different ways .

  7. 数字习语,是指由基数词,序数词及其它具有数字意义的词构成的习语。

    Numerical idioms are idioms formed with cardinal numbers , ordinal numbers and other words which have the meaning of number .

  8. 包括:混淆可数名词和不可数名词,混淆特指代词和泛指代词,误用不定冠词,误用定冠词,误用英语所有格,混淆基数词和序数词。

    The misuse of the countable nouns and uncountable nouns , the definite articles and indefinite articles , the misuse of the possessives of the numerals and the cardinals .

  9. 本文认为,如果基数词的确切解读是语用产生的,那么儿童就不易捕捉到这一隐含的意义。

    Therefore , we propose that if the " exactly reading " of cardinals is due to the production of SI , then children should be not easy to grasp this implicated meaning .

  10. 作者运用日语朗读软件等对日语基数词的声调变化进行了考察,总结归纳出了基本数词在不同语音条件下变化的规律,弥补了中国日语语音教学和研究方面的一些空白。

    After examining the changes of the accents of Japanese cardinal numbers by using reading software , the author summarizes the rules of changes under different phonetic circumstances , which enriches Japanese phonetic teaching and study in China .

  11. 数词+大+名词短语中的数词以一至十10个基数词为主,而且不同数词使用的频率也不均匀,对后面的名词会起制约作用;

    This paper gives a comprehensive study of the numeral + da + noun phrases , and points out that the numerals in this construction are mainly cardinal numbers from first to tenth , which are used with different frequencies and affect the following numerals .