
  • 网络organic heart disease
  1. 方法检测52例器质性心脏病患者动态心电图Lorenz散点图和时域指标,并与52例正常人进行对比。

    Methods 52 patients with organic heart disease and 52 healthy controls were involved in study of Lorenz plot and time domain index .

  2. 结论:结果说明,t-T发生与器质性心脏病无直接关系,但与致死性心律失常的发生有关。

    Conclusion t-T change has no indicate relationship with organic heart disease , but it has relationship with fatal arrhythmia .

  3. 男、女各3例,4例合并器质性心脏病。AT的诊断以EPS的标准为依据。

    The diagnosis was estab-lished by EPS criteria for AT .

  4. 如有器质性心脏病或ECG异常,住院患者可进行远程监测和电生理检查。

    If organic heart disease is present or the ECG is abnormal , inpatient telemetry monitoring and electrophysiologic studies are recommended .

  5. 结论:对于老年非器质性心脏病PAT病人,与普通右房室双腔起搏相比,双房右室三腔起搏具有明显的抗心律失常效果,能减少服用AAA的种类。

    Conclusion : Tri-chamber pacing could significantly decreases the frequency of PAT and the combination of antiarrhythmic agents in comparison with dual-chamber pacing .

  6. 非器质性心脏病组运动前QTd异常率为84%,运动后为12%。

    In non heart disease group abnormal QTd were 84 % before exercise and 12 % after exercise .

  7. 合并器质性心脏病晕厥患者病死率为15.7%,显著高于无器质性心脏病晕厥患者的病死率4.0%(P0.01)。

    The mortality rate of the syncopal patients complicated with structural heart disease was much higher than those without structural heart disease ( 15.7 % vs 4.0 % , P 0.01 ) .

  8. 目的探讨立位心电图ST-T变化在器质性心脏病伴β-受体过敏综合征诊断中的意义。

    Objective To study the value of ECG ST-T changes in standing position 's diagnosis to organic heart di - seases with beta receptor anaphylaxis syndrome .

  9. 本组资料系通过24小时动态心电图(DCC)对54例无明显器质性心脏病的室性心律失常患者1~5年的随访研究。

    Fifty-four patients with ventricular arrhythmias , but no organic heart diseases had been studied by 24 hour dynamic electrocardiogram ( DCG ) for 1 ~ 5 years .

  10. 3例无器质性心脏病,2例为左后间隔AP,1例为右后游离壁AP,手术中证实RFCA失败系消融电极未能抵达有效靶点消融所致;

    The causes of RFCA failure were demonstrated in surgical operation . In 3 patients without structural heart disease , ablation catheters were not located in distinct target sites during ablation of 2 left posteroseptal pathways and 1 right posterior wall pathway .

  11. 结果:6927例中有t-T变化者19例,发生率为0.27%,19例中有18例无器质性心脏病,1例为阵发性室上性心动过速病人。

    Results t-T change were observed in19patients among6927in-patients , the rate is0.27 % , and18patients have not organic heart disease , 1case has paroxysmal upventricular techycardic disease .

  12. 无器质性心脏病儿童房性心动过速的射频消融治疗

    Radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial tachycardia in children without structural heart disease

  13. 妊娠晚期合并器质性心脏病临床分析

    Clinical analysis of the advanced stage pregnant women complicated with organic heart diseases

  14. 器质性心脏病疤痕相关的室性心动过速导管消融的策略

    Strategies for catheter ablation of scar-related ventricular tachycardia in patients with organic heart diseases

  15. 房颤更多地发生在那些有潜在器质性心脏病的老人身上。

    Atrial fibrillation is recognized more often in the elderly who have underlying structural heart disease .

  16. 超声心动图和实验窒检查明确是否合并器质性心脏病和心功能状况。

    Echocardiography and laboratory examinations were carried out to detect the heart disease and cardiac function .

  17. 方法回顾性分析表现为非交替性文氏周期的房室交接区双层阻滞的10例器质性心脏病患者的临床资料。

    Methods Clinical data of 10 patients with non-alternating Wenckebach atrioventricular double layer block were analyzed retrospectively .

  18. 心音的改变和心脏杂音的出现,往往是器质性心脏病的最早体征。

    The structural defects of a heart are often reflected in the sounds that the heart produces .

  19. 查询卒死、厚性心肌病及其他器质性心脏病的家族史。

    Inquire about a family history of sudden death , hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , or other organic heart disease .

  20. 无器质性心脏病基础的阵发性心房颤动(房颤)作为房颤导管消融治疗的适应证已经被公认。

    It is generally accepted that catheter ablation is indicated to paroxysmal atrial fibrillation patients without organic heart disease .

  21. 器质性心脏病患者室性早搏后窦性心率震荡的临床意义研究

    Investigation of the clinical significance of heart rate turbulence after premature ventricular contraction in patients with structural heart disease

  22. 目的观察心可舒片治疗非器质性心脏病窦性心动过速的疗效。

    Objective To observe the curative effect of Xinkeshu Tablets on sinus tachycardia ( ST ) of inorganic cardiopathy .

  23. 室早后T波改变多见于器质性心脏病。

    A change on T-wave after premature ventricular beat is often a suggestive of an organic lesion in heart .

  24. 目的探讨儿童心脏神经功能性疾病的特点及与器质性心脏病的鉴别。

    Objective To investigate clinical characteristics of cardiac neuro-functional diseases in children and to differentiate them from organic heart diseases .

  25. 按摩足底腹腔神经丛反射区对植物神经紊乱与器质性心脏病的鉴别诊断

    Differential Diagnosis of Vegetative Nervous Disorder with Organic Heart Diseases by Applying Reflex o-massage to Foot Reflex for Celiac Plexus

  26. 结果显示在器质性心脏病心电图上除室早外,心电图异常发生率高。

    Besides ectopic beats , a high incidence of abnormal electrocardiogram was found in association with the organic heart disease .

  27. 目的观察静脉胺碘酮转复22例器质性心脏病患者急性发作快室率心房颤动的临床疗效和安全性。

    Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of Amiodarone to convert acute AF in 22 patients with organic heart diseases .

  28. 对于器质性心脏病所致的室性早搏,应针对基础心脏病进行纠正和预防,而不是针对早搏本身治疗;

    For ventricular extrasystole due to organic cardiopathy , interventions should be directed against the etiological rather than against extrasystole itself .

  29. 目的:对比研究放射状切口手术对器质性心脏病伴心房纤颤的治疗效果。

    Objective : To research the effect of Radial Incision Approach ( RIA ) on treating atrial fibrillation ( Af ) .

  30. 器质性心脏病严重程度是死亡率的决定因素,应指导检查并治疗。

    The extent of severity of the organic heart disease is the key determinant of mortality and should direct evaluation and therapy .