
  1. 强制隔离戒毒所内HIV暴露因素及预防策略

    HIV exposure factors and prevention strategies in compulsory isolated detoxification center

  2. 四是提出了进一步完善我国强制隔离戒毒制度的基本建议。

    Four is to further improve our compulsory isolation detoxification system basic suggestions .

  3. 杭州市强制隔离戒毒所医务人员心理健康调查分析

    Mental health status of the medical personnel in Hangzhou compulsory isolated detoxification center

  4. 强制隔离戒毒所戒毒人员个别心理治疗研究

    Compulsory Quarantine Treatment Center Abstainer Psychotherapy Research

  5. 目前,强制隔离戒毒已经成为我国开展戒毒工作的主要方式。

    Currently , compulsory quarantine treatment has become the main way to carry out rehabilitation work .

  6. 因此,研究强制隔离戒毒的执行,不可能不言及劳动教养制度。

    Thus , to study compulsory isolated drug rehabilitation cannot be separated from studying labor education system .

  7. 警察机关对其采取的强制隔离戒毒措施,实质上是国家对患病公民提供的一种医疗救助服务。

    Compulsory isolated drug rehabilitation for them is actually a medical service for ill citizen provided by the state .

  8. 强制隔离戒毒,是一种以限制人身自由为特征的强制性戒毒手段。

    Mandatory drug isolation , is a restriction of personal freedom , which is characterized by means of mandatory drug treatment .

  9. 加强对强制隔离戒毒工作的探索和研究,推动戒毒工作的科学发展,很有必要。

    It is necessary to strengthen the compulsory isolation detoxification work of exploration and research , and promote the scientific development of rehabilitation work .

  10. 强制隔离戒毒在原有强制戒毒和劳教戒毒的基础上,从入所条件、戒毒时限等方面都作了重大调整,更加人性化、科学化。

    Articles of conditions for being involved into the compulsory treatment center and duration for staying there have been adjusted to be more humane and scientific .

  11. 通过分析强制隔离戒毒的基本概念、性质、特征以及理论依据,进一步深化了对强制隔离戒毒的理解。

    Through the analysis of the basic concept of compulsory isolation detoxification , nature , characteristics and theoretical basis for further deepening the understanding of compulsory isolation detoxification .

  12. 强制隔离戒毒毕竟不是劳教戒毒的简单更名,在执行模式、等级设置、工作重点等方面都有自己特定的要求。

    Isolation is not a re-education compulsory drug treatment , after all , a simple name change , in the execution mode , class settings , focus , etc. have their own specific requirements .

  13. 劳教场所强制隔离戒毒工作启动以来,大多数劳教戒毒所都是照搬或者参照过去劳教戒毒模式,很多工作还处于探索阶段。

    Since the triggering of the mandatory discontinuance of narcotic drugs through isolation , most reformatories have indiscriminately copied or referred to the mode of reform-through-labor in the past and the practice still remains in the stage of exploration .