
  • 网络compulsory licensing;Compulsory License System on Copyright Law
  1. 我国社会保障制度不健全,现行立法对专利强制许可制度的使用限制亦过严,没有充分利用WTO规则所赋予的灵活性,许多规定甚至超过TRIPS协议的要求。

    In China , the effective social welfare system has not been accomplished , and the current legislation on patent compulsory licensing is too restrictive to take advantage of the flexibility in WTO rules , some of which even beyond the TRIPS Agreement .

  2. 其次,重点研究与公共健康有关的灵活性规定之一&强制许可制度,阐明其存在的意义及可能产生的问题,介绍以TRIPS协定为主的关于强制许可制度的国际法规范。

    Secondly , focus on one of the flex provisions about public health-related - Compulsory Licensing System , clarify the meaning of its existence as well as the possible problems , and introduce the norms of the TRIPS Agreement on compulsory licensing system .

  3. TRIPs框架内药品专利强制许可制度之研究

    Research on the Compulsory License System for Medicine Patents under TRIPs

  4. TRIPS协议药品强制许可制度实施中的法律问题与对策研究

    Research on the Legal Issues and Countermeasures in Implementation of the Compulsory License for Pharmaceuticals Patents under TRIPS

  5. 对强制许可制度与观念的协调研究

    The Harmonization Research to Set up Compulsory License System of Patent

  6. 第二章是介绍了绿色专利强制许可制度的概述。

    The second chapter introduces green patent compulsory licensing system overview .

  7. 其次为绿色专利强制许可制度在法理和法律上寻求基础。

    Followed by green patent compulsory licensing system for the legal basis .

  8. 基于产业博弈的强制许可制度分析

    An Analysis of " Compulsory License System " Based on Industrial Gambling

  9. 首先介绍绿色专利强制许可制度的研究背景和意义。

    First to introduce compulsory licensing of patented research background and significance .

  10. 中国专利强制许可制度的完善

    The Improvement of Patent Compulsory License system in China

  11. 专利强制许可制度是对专利权限制的最主要的制度。

    Compulsory license is one of the main systems to limit patent rights .

  12. 新专利法背景下我国药品专利强制许可制度研究

    Research on Compulsory License System for Pharmaceutical Patents in China under New Patent Law

  13. 对于解决二者之间的冲突,专利强制许可制度是非常重要的方法。

    The compulsory licensing issue of patented drugs is an important tool to solve the conflict .

  14. 其次介绍了国内外对绿色专利强制许可制度的研究现状。

    Second , introducing domestic and foreign patent compulsory licensing system for green research the status quo .

  15. 专利法中绿色专利强制许可制度的重构是实现可持续发展战略的重要举措。

    Patent compulsory licensing system of green remodeling is an important strategy to achieve sustainable development initiatives .

  16. 国家应该从保障公共健康的角度出发为公众提供急需药品,从而肯定了药品专利强制许可制度的重要价值。

    So government should protect public health and provide urgently needed medicines , which affirmed compulsory licensing system for medicines patents .

  17. 强制许可制度成为解决药品专利垄断利益和社会公共健康冲突的制度选择。

    The compulsory license system becomes the choice for solving the conflict between drug patent monopoly interests and social public health .

  18. 在我国《著作权法》中适时的引入强制许可制度就是实现这一目标的关键。

    To realize this aim , the introduction of compulsory license system into Chinese Copyright Law at an appropriate time is crucial .

  19. 通过对美国、英国、加拿大等国家商业秘密强制许可制度的比较研究,得出了可以对技术秘密实施强制许可的三种情形。

    By comparative studying of the compulsory licensing of trade secrets in The United States , Britain , Canada and other countries .

  20. 首先对强制许可制度作出了界定,并与相关的合理使用、法定许可制度作了比较,在此基础上,分析其法理基础。

    To establishment of the copyright compulsory licensing system firstly , and then compared with the intelligent use system and statutory license system .

  21. 专利强制许可制度与专利制度相辅相成,是专利制度体系的有机组成部分,甚至被认为是挽救专利制度的重要工具。

    Compulsory patent licensing system is regarded as one organic part of the patent system , and even the tool which has saved the patent system .

  22. 本文全文共为五个部分,各部分主要内容如下:第一章专利权及专利强制许可制度概述。

    This paper consists of five main parts as follows : Chapter One : Overview on the patent rights and the system of compulsory patent license .

  23. 第二章强制许可制度的概述中,首先对强制许可制度作了一个界定,与相关的合理使用制度、法定许可制度作了比较;

    In " The summary of Compulsory License System on Copyright Law ", there is a definition and comparison to Rational Use System and Statutory Licensing System .

  24. 在各国看来,授予专利垄断权是为了奖励发明者,而强制许可制度则是为了克服专利垄断权的弊端而设。

    It was said that the granting of patent monopoly was used for encouraging the inventers but the compulsory licensing was used for overcoming the defections of patent regimes .

  25. 在本文中笔者详细论述了非自愿许可制度的几种详细情形,具体为法定许可制度、强制许可制度以及合理使用制度。

    In this paper , certain types of ' unauthorized license ' system are expounded in detail : statutory license system , compulsory license system , and fair use .

  26. 本文尝试从如何保障药品的实际获得这个新的角度,以药品专利强制许可制度在实践中的发展为线索,对药品专利强制许可制度进行类型化的研究。

    Following the development of compulsory license system , this thesis tries to study how the compulsory license ensures the access to medicines by researches on types of compulsory license .

  27. 药品专利强制许可制度作为平衡各方利益、降低药品价格,应对公共健康危机的一大利器,正越来越被各国所重视。

    Compulsory licensing system for medicines patent is a balance between the interests of all parties , reducing the price of medicines to cope with public health crisis of major tools .

  28. 目前各国大多数制定了专利强制许可制度,但是发达国家与发展中国家相比,两者的强制许可标准显然不同。

    At present , most of the countries developed a patent compulsory licensing . But compared with the developing countries , The developed countries ' compulsory licensing standards are clearly different .

  29. 第一章导论中,首先从我国学者对著作权法中设置强制许可制度的观点认识上导出了研究这个问题的现实必要性;

    In the " Introduction ", based on Chinese scholar 's viewpoints on setting up Compulsory License System on Copyright Law , the author expounds the realistic necessity of researching the item .

  30. 专利制度与强制许可制度相辅相成,强制许可的发展史在相当程度上就是专利制度的发展史。

    So patent regimes and compulsory licensing regimes supplement each other , and the developing history of compulsory licensing to some extent can be regarded as the developing history of patent regimes .