
  1. 强行平仓实施主体有两个,即期货交易所,和期货公司。

    The implementing bodies have Futures Exchange and Futures Company .

  2. 强行平仓是期货法律制度和风险管理中的一项重要内容。

    Mandatory liquidation is so important matter in futures trading law system and venture management .

  3. 强行平仓制度是期货交易立法中一个具有重大理论与实践意义的问题。

    Mandatory liquidation is one of the important academic and practical problems in futures trading law .

  4. 完善我国的期货交易法律制度,其中比较重要的,是要完善我国的强行平仓制度。

    To complete our futures trading law system , it is rather important to complete our legislation about mandatory liquidation .

  5. 强行平仓可以参照交易所的执行原则,也可以采取其他原则。

    The compulsory position closing may be executed either with reference to principles of the exchange or to other principles .

  6. 此前的规定要求,当客户担保比例低于130%时,就必须向其账户补充资产,否则就会遭遇强行平仓。

    Previous rules required clients to add assets to their accounts when their collateral ratio dropped below 130 per cent , or else liquidate their positions .

  7. 强行平仓是法律、法规授予强行平仓主体的一种权力,它不可以被放弃或转让,否则强行平仓主体将要承担相关的法律责任。

    Mandatory liquidation is a kind of power . This power cannot be abandoned or transferred , otherwise , the implementing bodies will bear concerning legal liability .

  8. 但期货市场是一个高风险、高回报的市场,强行平仓制度作为控制期货市场风险法律制度之一,发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    However , futures market is the place where is full of high-hazard and high returns . Mandatory liquidation as one of legal systems controlling market risks plays an increasing role .

  9. 除前款规定外,全面结算会员期货公司可以与非结算会员在结算协议中约定应予强行平仓的其他情形。

    Except as stipulated in the above paragraphs , a general settlement member futures company and a non-settlement company may stipulate in the settlement agreement the circumstances under which the positions may be compulsorily closed .

  10. 股指期货市场的风险管理制度主要包括保证金制度、涨跌停板制度、投机头寸限仓制度、强行平仓制度等,对于交易者的日常交易活动影响最为直接的是保证金制度和价格涨跌幅限制。

    The risk management system of stock index futures market mainly includes the premium system , the price-limit system , speculative position limit system , and the forced liquidation system . The first two systems most directly influence the routine dealings .

  11. 直接责任人是客户的,强行平仓后产生的亏损,由该客户所在会员先行承担后,自行向该客户追索。

    Where the immediate responsible personnel are clients , the loss generated from compulsory positionclosingclosing positions shall first be borne by the members with whom the clients open positions , and then the members may pursue the payment from the clients .

  12. 非结算会员未在结算协议约定的时间内追加保证金或者自行平仓的,全面结算会员期货公司有权对该非结算会员的持仓强行平仓。

    If a non-settlement member fails to add the deposit or close the position by itself within the time limit specified by the settlement agreement , the general settlement member futures company has the right to compulsorily close the position of the non-settlement member .