
  • compulsory execution effect
  1. 人民调解协议强制执行效力初探

    On the Compulsory Execution Effect of People Intermediation Agreement

  2. 公证机构赋予抵押合同具有强制执行效力之法理探析

    Jurisprudential Discussion on the Issue that Public Notarization Authorities Grant Compulsory Enforcement Force for Mortgage Contracts

  3. 赋予强制执行效力的公证债权文书执行问题刍议公证人出具的拒付证书

    Talking on the Enforcement of the Notarial Creditor s Rights Document Possessing Obligatory Execution Force ; notarial protest certificate

  4. 公证的效力通常包括证据效力、强制执行效力和法律行为成立要件效力三个方面。

    Notarial effect usually contains the following three aspects : proof effect , executive effect and the necessary conditions of the law action .

  5. 通过公证赋予符合一定条件的债权文书以强制执行效力是公证机构的一项特殊职能。

    Giving the enforceability to the obligatory right documents which meet certain conditions by notarization is a special function of the Notary Public .

  6. 这一认识为公证机构依法赋予抵押合同以强制执行效力提供了最基本的逻辑前提。

    The acknowledgement of it provides basic logic precondition for notary organization to render validity of enforcement to a mortgage contract according to law .

  7. 公证质量是公证事业发展的根本,只有确保公证质量,才能保证公证文书的证据效力、法律效力和强制执行效力。

    Notarial quality is the basic problem in the development of notarial undertaking . We can insure the evidential effect and legal effect , enforce effect of notary certificate unless we can insure the quality of the notary .

  8. 人们通常认为口头合同不具备法律上强制执行的效力。

    It is common for people to believe that a contract will not be legally enforceable unless it is in writing .

  9. 第四,确认私了的效力但是私了协议并不具有决定的请求法律强制执行的效力。

    Fourth , compounding the effect of recognition agreement , but compounding the request does not have decided the effectiveness of law enforcement .

  10. 最后,环境纠纷行政处理决定缺乏强制执行的法律效力。

    Finally , the decision of environmental dispute administrative settlement lack of enforcement of law concerned .

  11. 任何由于翻译所导致的内容或注释的不符或差别,不具有法律约束力,也不具有遵守或强制执行的法律效力。

    Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes .