
  • 网络perennial crop
  1. 根据不同的农业生态区域和种植目的,大蕉被当作具有不同种植方式的半多年生作物。

    Traditionally , plantain has been treated as a semi perennial crop with different plant arrangements in the field , according to the different agro-ecological zones and the growers objective .

  2. 大多数年全年稳定通过0℃,可一年四季进行农业耕作,有利于作物越冬和多年生作物的种植,生长期长,积温丰富。

    The farming can be done almost all year round , which benefits the hibernation of the crops and the growth of the perennial crops .

  3. 土地利用强度大的一年生作物和多年生作物土壤粉砂和粘土含量较高,土壤质量得到了逐步改善;

    Annual croplands and perennial croplands have high proportions of silt and clay .

  4. 多年生作物特别用来指代每年从同一个根系中生长出新的植株的药草等植物。

    This term is used especially for plants like herbs that produce new growth year after year from the same root structure .

  5. 今年,她不再种植新的作物,只是继续灌溉原本种的多年生作物,比如羽衣甘蓝和庞大的灯笼果灌木。

    This year she is not planting anything new , just watering her perennials , like kales and her giant cape gooseberry bush .

  6. 一般说来,有机农场的产量比传统农业要少25%,但有机水果和其他多年生作物的产量几乎与传统农业一样。

    On average , organic farms produced twenty-five percent less compared to conventional farms . But yields of organic fruits and other perennial crops nearly equaled the yields from conventional ones . So did the yields of legumes such as soybeans .

  7. 紫花苜蓿(MedicagoSativa)是当今世界上种植面积最大,应用最广泛的多年生豆科作物。

    Cultivated alfalfa ( Medicago sativa ) perennial legume crop is wildly planted in the world .

  8. 木薯是热带地区多年生块根作物,是世界三大薯类作物之一。

    Cassava is a perennial root crop in the tropics , one of the three major tuberous crops in the world .

  9. 多年生经济作物(果树)种植面积基本比较稳定,但其内部结构也发生了一些变化,主要是葡萄和梨的种植面积有所增加,品种布局和产品质量得到进一步优化。

    The area for planting perennial cash crops ( fruit trees ) was basically constant , but the inner component also changed , mainly including the increasing of grape and pear planting area , the optimization of variety types and the product quality .

  10. 油茶(CamelliaoleiferaAbel),是山茶科、山茶属的多年生木本油料作物,我国特有的木本油料物种。

    Camellia oleifera Abel ( from Theaceae family ), is special oil plants in our China .

  11. 魔芋为天南星科多年生草本经济作物,因其富含魔芋葡甘聚糖等多种有效成分而被广泛应用于食品、医药、化工等领域,并在我国西南山区得到广泛种植。

    Konjac ( Araceae Amorphophallus ) is a perennial economical crop rich in active ingredients including konjac glucomannan which is in urgent need in food , medicine and chemical industry . Thus , konjac is widely cultivated in the southwest of China .

  12. 油茶(Camelliaoleifera)是一种多年生木本科油料作物,是我国重要的木本食用油料树种。

    Camellia oleifera is a perennial woody oil plants , and is a principal species of woody oil plants in the South of China .

  13. 青海环湖地区多年生牧草与一年生作物混播效果比较研究

    Study on the Mixed Sowing of the Perennial Forage and Annual Crop in Qinghai Lakeside

  14. 这种系统让多年生植物和粮食作物混合种植。

    It mixes food crops with trees and perennial plants those that return year after year .

  15. 茶树为多年生常绿叶用作物,茶叶是茶树鲜叶经过工艺处理后制作而成。

    Tea tree is an evergreen shrub whose leaves are used to produce tea through processing .