- 名strongman;iron-handed person;despotic person

[ironhanded person;strong man;despotic person;tyrannical person] 用意志或性格的力量或军事手段进行领导或控制的人
Thein Sein , a recently retired general , had made little impact in four years as prime minister during the junta led by army strongman Senior General Than Shwe .
A remarkable number of today 's presidential contenders are daughters of strongmen : Ms Park in South Korea , Ms Le Pen in France , Peru 's Ms Fujimori , Zury R í os Montt in Guatemala , Dariga Nazarbayeva in Kazakhstan .
He 's an ironhanded person ruling over the country .
A country ruled by an iron hand is doomed to suffer .
The strong men must have their stooges .
Negotiated from a strong hand . a widely occurring iron oxide ore ; a mixture of goethite and hematite and lepidocrocite .
Wu Ze Tian was a powerful person , she put oppressive officials in very important positions in order to consolidate her political power , but this didn 't indicate she was cruel .
The Scary New Rich Aristotle believed they were democracy 's secret weapon-the protectors of social values , the moderators of political extremism , and believers in a society run by laws instead of by strongmen .
" He has a very , very strong image across europe . "