
tiě qiú
  • Iron ball;steel ball
  1. 铁球的动量耦合系数的典型数值为5.0dyne/W。

    A typical value of the momentum coupling efficiency of 5.0 dyne / W for iron beads is obtained .

  2. ICP-AES测定氧化铁球中SiO2等成分

    Determination SiO_2 Components in Ferric Oxide by ICP-AES

  3. 铁球壳系统D-T中子穿透几率谱测量

    Measurement of D-T Neutron Penetration Probability Spectra for Iron Ball Systems

  4. 空手道击打就像一块铁条,打出去是whack的一声;功夫击打则像拴着铁球的铁链,Wang的一声就伤到对手体内了。

    A Gung Fu punch is like an iron chain with an iron ball attached to the end and it goes Wang ! And it hurts inside .

  5. D-T中子照射铁球γ射线角通量谱测量

    Measurement and Calculation of γ - ray Angular Flux Spectra of Iron Sphere Bombarded by D-T Neutrons

  6. 以石蜡切片单克隆抗体OKT9检测食管鳞癌细胞转铁球蛋白受体(TFR)的表达。

    The transferrin receptors ( TFR ) of esophageal squamous carcinoma were tested by monoclonal antibody OKT9 on paraffin sections .

  7. 我们还利用了频率为1kHz的连续飞秒激光脉冲进行了多脉冲推进铁球的实验。

    We have also used 1 kHz femtosecond laser pulses for multiple pulse propulsion of an iron bead .

  8. 球磨机用高铬铸铁球的变质处理工艺研究

    Study on Metamorphism Process for High-chromium Cast Ball Used for Ball Mill

  9. 通过一条链子把重铁球绑到囚犯身上。

    Heavy iron ball is attached to a prisoner by a chain .

  10. 用于水泥球磨的低合金铸铁球

    Ast iron Ball with LOW-Alloy Composition Used for Cement Making

  11. 铁球便逐渐下沉,最后降到碗里。

    Gradually , the weight lowers into the bowl .

  12. 铁球磨介硅酸锆超细粉碎的工艺研究

    Technological Study on the Ultrafine Pulverization of Zirconium Silicate by Iron Ball Grinding Medium

  13. 等他去了漫展,我立马找个大铁球来拆。

    When he 's at Comic-Con , I 'm bringing in a wrecking ball .

  14. 贝氏体球墨铸铁球磨机衬板的可行性研究

    Feasible Study on Lining Board of Ball Mill with Bainite Spherical Graphite Cast Ion

  15. 屈氏体高铬铸铁球的生产工艺对磨球质量的影响

    Effects of Production Process for High Chromium Cast Iron Balls on Grinding Ball Quality

  16. 他一只手握着一个十磅重的铁球,另一只手握着一个一磅重的铁球。

    He carried a ten-pound shot in one hand and one-pound shot in the other .

  17. 他在讲台上放置了一个很大很大的铁球和一把铁锤。

    He set a very big iron ball and a big hammer on the stage .

  18. 论述了钡、钙对球铁球化及孕育过程的作用。

    The effect of Ba and Ca on nodulization and inoculation of nodular iron was described .

  19. 嗯,他们在他的脚上绑上一个三十六磅的铁球,把他扔到海里去了。

    Well , they fastened a thirty-six pound ball to his feet , and threw him into the sea .

  20. 含硼多元合金耐磨铸铁球的磨矿工业试验与生产实践

    Commercial-scale trail and operation practice of ore-grinding by using boron-bearing and wear-resisting cast iron ball made from multi-element alloy

  21. 交替变向电磁场对稀土镁球铁球化衰退的影响

    The Invention of Ball Influence of Alternative Electromagnetic Field on Nodulizing Degradation of Rare Earth Magnesium Nodular Cast Iron

  22. 他的头顶上面挂着三个褪了色的铁球,看上去以前曾经是镀过金的。

    Immediately above his head there hung three discoloured metal balls which looked as if they had once been gilded .

  23. 通过康普顿反冲电子法解谱得到γ射线泄漏能谱,通过分析能谱,发现铁球厚度对能谱变化影响有一定的规律。

    From the analysis of gamma-ray spectrum , it is found that the iron shell 's thickness has some effect on the change of spectra .

  24. 用康普顿反冲电子方法测量了14MeV的DT中子穿透系列铁球的伴生γ射线泄漏能谱,能谱的能量范围为0.55MeV。

    The way of Compton recoil electron is used to measure the gamma-ray leakage spectra from iron spherical target assembly pulsed with 14-MeV D-T neutrons .

  25. 铁球突然随着一条钢管转折冲出墙壁,然后又回转到室内,继续其无休止的旅程。

    Suddenly the pipe goes through the wall and outside the building ; a few moments later the sound returns , signaling the balls'ceaseless journey .

  26. 结果表明:加入镁铁球后对于改善渣况、降低冶炼消耗、提高电炉脱磷有良好效果。

    The result showed that addition of Mg-Fe ball made a great effect on improving slag condition , reducing smelting consumption , and increasing EF dephosphorization .

  27. 唐太斯被抛进了海里,他的脚上绑着一个三十六磅重的铁球,正把他拖向海底深处。

    Dant è s had been flung into the sea , and was dragged into its depths by a thirty-six pound shot tied to his feet .

  28. 基于热分析法和神经网络模型,提出并发展了球铁球化级别测定系统。

    The system to determine the nodular lever of ductile iron by computer is developed basing on the thermal analysis method and the neural network model .

  29. 他试图轧辊9球的权利,但铁球在困扰颌骨的底部右口袋,但没有下降。

    He tried to roll the9-ball down the right rail but the ball rattled in the jaws of the bottom right pocket but did not drop .

  30. 铁蒺藜一种上面有四个铁钉而且总有一个铁钉向上的铁球,用来阻碍骑兵或步兵部队前行;铁蒺藜。

    An iron ball with four spikes arranged so that one always points upwards , used to delay the advance of mounted troops and infantry ; a caltrop .