
  • 网络Almandine;almandite;Almandine Garnet
  1. 铁铝榴石呈红褐色,菱形十二面体晶形,化学成分以铁、铝、硅为主,含钙、镁等微量元素。

    Almandine being red-brown rhombododecahedron consists of iron , aluminium and silicon , containing trace elements of calcium and magnesium .

  2. 石榴石的种类包括(铁铝榴石、镁铝榴石、镁铁榴石、锰铝榴石、钙铁榴石、钙铬榴石)。

    The variety of garnet includes almandine , pyrope , magnesium-iron garnet , manganese-aluminum garnet , andradite and calcium-chromium garnet .

  3. 石榴子石以铁铝榴石和钙铝榴石为主,属于C类榴辉岩。

    The garnets consist mainly of almandine and grossularite , and belong to C-type eclogite .

  4. 四川黑水锰矿锰铝榴石-铁铝榴石系列矿物的分类及其意义

    The classification of the spessartine-almandine series mineral in manganese ore from heishui , sichuan and its significance

  5. 金红石和铁铝榴石是中国榴辉岩型金红石资源中可供综合利用的两种重要矿物组分。

    At recent , most ore dressing corporations in north of Jiangsu province beneficiate the almandite only to cause the high grade of rutiles in the tailings .

  6. 在含蓝闪石岩分布区,岩石的变质相有葡萄石-绿纤石相、蓝闪石绿片岩相、绿帘石-角闪岩相、铁铝榴石角闪岩相等,未发现高压低温矿物组合。

    In the glaucophane-bearing rocks there distributed some sections , in which the metamorphic facies of the rocks are mainly of prehnite-pumpellyite facies , glaucophane-greenschist facies , and epidote ( almandine ) - amphibolite facies etc , but the high temperature-low pressure mineral associations are not discovered .

  7. 集安岩群石榴石以富铁为特征,均属铁铝榴石。

    The garnets of Ji an rock group are characterized by rich iron and are allalmandite .