
  • 网络the tin drum;Blechtrommel;die blechtrommel;Blechtrommel, Die
  1. 反法西斯主义的文学杰作&君特·格拉斯的《铁皮鼓》

    A Masterpiece of Anti-fascism Literature : The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass ;

  2. 瑞典学院还称《铁皮鼓》是20世纪长盛不衰的文学作品之一。

    It described The Tin Drum as one of the enduring literary works of the 20th century .

  3. 在1979年的戛纳电影节上,《铁皮鼓》和《现代启示录》(ApocalypseNow)共同获得了金棕榈奖。

    It shared the Palme d'Or at the 1979 Cannes Film Festival with Apocalypse Now .

  4. 《但泽三部曲》是君特·格拉斯的《铁皮鼓》、《猫与鼠》和《狗年月》这三部小说的合称。

    Three Novels about Dan Ze include Iron Sheet drum , Cat and Mouse and Dog 's Times .

  5. 格拉斯把这两部小说与《铁皮鼓》放在一起,合称为自己的但泽三部曲。

    These two novels , together with The Tin Drum , make up what Grass called his Danzig Trilogy .

  6. 德国当代著名文学家君特·格拉斯在小说《铁皮鼓》中,通过小说主人公奥斯卡这一怪诞而又真实的艺术形象,以一个侏儒的视角,向人们叙述了一个神奇的故事。

    Gunter Grass , the famous contemporary German writer , tells a magic story in his novel Blechtrommel in the view of Oscar , a dwarf who is weird but authentic .

  7. 他和姜文谈论了《铁皮鼓》,这部电影影响了很多中国电影制作人,就像《阳光灿烂的日子》一样,男主角也是一个男孩。

    He and Mr. Jiang talked about The Tin Drum , which has influenced many Chinese filmmakers and which , like In the Heat of the Sun , has a boy protagonist .

  8. 《铁皮鼓》讲述了一个名叫奥斯卡小男孩的故事。他在三岁生日那天得到了一个铁皮鼓,于是决定用不长大来反抗纳粹的统治。

    The Tin Drum tells the story of a boy , Oskar , who gets a tin drum for his third birthday , then decides to protest Nazi rule by never growing up .

  9. 从读者接受的角度切入看小说《铁皮鼓》的创作,可见我国长篇小说的创作模式及走向。

    The pattern and developing trend for the creation of contemporary novels of China can be revealed when the creation of the novel The Tin Drum is studied from the angle of readers ' reception .