
shì jūn tǐ miǎn yì
  • phage immunity
  1. 用提取的重组噬菌体免疫动物,六周后经ELISA检测,各种重组噬菌体都能诱导针对相应B细胞表位的抗体产生,且特异性良好。

    The recombinant T7 phages were extracted and used to immunize mice , 6 weeks later , the anti-sera was analyzed by ELISA . The results indicated that all the recombinant phages induced the generation of specific antibody against the respective B cell epitope .

  2. 你认为克林贡人对这种噬菌体免疫?

    And you think Klingons are immune to this phage ?

  3. 用兔IgG筛选噬菌体展示免疫球蛋白结合分子组合文库

    Selection of a combinatorial phage library displaying immunoglobulin-binding molecules with rabbit IgG

  4. 噬菌体展示免疫球蛋白结合分子单结构域随机组合文库的构建

    Constructing a phage-displayed random combinatorial library of single domains of immunoglobulin - binding molecules

  5. 之后对该重组噬菌体进行免疫原性鉴定、保存方法研究以及应用研究。

    Then , we study the recombinant phage in immunogenicity identification , preservation methods and appliance in ELISA .

  6. 利用PCR筛选噬菌体文库人免疫球蛋白重链Cγ基因的一种新方法

    A new method used to screen the human immunoglobulin heavy chain C γ gene by means of PCR-screening phage library

  7. 血管内皮生长因子基因重组T7噬菌体肿瘤疫苗的免疫活性

    Immune activity of the cancer vaccine of recombinant T7 phage tumor vaccine expressing vascular endothelial growth factor

  8. 通过T7噬菌体展示文库筛选免疫相关基因在安氏隐孢子虫上的应用未见报道。

    There is no reported that T7 phage display library screening is used for screening immune-related genes in C. andersoni .

  9. 但本实验的设计是对获得各种新型高特异性高亲和力Ig结合分子的一次科学的探索,同时也为噬菌体展示技术在免疫球蛋白结合分子进化研究中的应用提供了新的可借鉴方法。

    However , the design of experiment is a scientific exploration to obtain various of new Ig-binding molecules with high specificity and activity . The study provides a new path in application of phage-display technology realizing molecular evolution of proteins .

  10. 利用展示有LKVIRK表位的杂合噬菌体作为抗原,免疫C57BL/6J小鼠,然后在小鼠的系统性念珠菌感染模型中评价其免疫保护作用。

    The efficacy of hybrid phage particles displaying LKVIRK in inducing immune protection response were studies in C57BL / 6J murine model of systemic C.

  11. 尾静脉注射噬菌体12肽文库至荷瘤裸鼠体内,循环20min后回收肿瘤组织中噬菌体,同时取正常对照组织进行噬菌体效价测定和免疫组化观察。

    - 12 Phage Display Peptide Library was injected intravenously ( tail vein ) into mice . After 20 min the mice were sacrificed and the phage rescued from tumor tissues .