
jiáo zǐ
  • bit;the bit of a bridle;bridle bit
嚼子 [jiáo zǐ]
  • [bit (of a bridle)] 横勒在牲口嘴里的小铁链,两端连在缰绳上,以便驾驭

  • [bit] 横勒在牲口嘴里的小铁链,两端连在缰绳上,以便驾驭

  1. 他们像对马一样给你们的嘴戴上嚼子!

    They put a bit into your mouths like horses !

  2. 用或似用嚼子控制或抑制。

    To check or control with or as if with a bit .

  3. 另一些胆小鬼却要给它们套上嚼子。

    While other cowards will force the brute into a muzzle .

  4. 为马准备的简单的有连接点的嚼子;没有缰绳。

    A simple jointed bit for a horse ; without a curb .

  5. 我应该给你戴上个嚼子。

    I ought to put a muzzle on you .

  6. 连着马嚼子和头套的马勒的两条带子。

    Either of two straps of a bridle that connect the bit to the headpiece .

  7. 他放松了嚼子,双膝夹住这雌马的肚子。

    He eased off the bit , gripping the mare 's flanks with his knees .

  8. 这匹马格格地咬着马嚼子。

    The horse was champing the bit .

  9. 她把所有事搞砸之前你得给她戴上马嚼子。

    You put a snaffle bit on her before she brings the whole thing down .

  10. 工艺精湛的马嚼子;需要使用测微计精密测量的工作;准确的射击。

    A nice bit of craft ; a job requiring nice measurements with a micrometer ; a nice shot .

  11. 马的挽具;包括马笼头、马嚼子可以让骑者或赶马的人控制。

    Headgear for a horse ; includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or driver control .

  12. 我们得戴两副嚼子,而不是一副,我的嚼口锋利得把我的嘴都划出血了。

    We had to wear two bits instead of one , and mine was so sharp that it made my mouth bleed .

  13. 用来控制马的长带子(通常和马嚼子或头套相连)。

    One of a pair of long straps ( usually connected to the bit or the headpiece ) used to control a horse .

  14. 随同尸体一起被发现的还有木头做的马嚼子,一个马鞭,一支弓,一把战斧。

    Along with the bodies , a horse bit made ofwood , a whip , a bow and a battle-axe were also found .

  15. 难以控制,如上嚼子的马紧咬着嚼子;释放或摆脱束缚。

    To be uncontrollable , as a horse is when it clenches its teeth on the bit ; to cast off or refuse restraint .

  16. 马衔(嚼子):笼头上的金属马嚼,与缰绳相连。

    ( of a horse ) struggle against the bit , esp habitually The metal mouthpiece on a bridle , to which the reins are attached .

  17. 安妮:是我骑马时需要的装备:笼头、嚼子,还有我自己的马鞍!

    Annie : That 's all equipment I 'll need to ride a horse : a bridle , a bit , and ta-da - my own saddle !

  18. 有些不好,你疯::你发誓,诅咒.嚼子的生命,没有申诉书.这是最大的帮助.强大的生命。

    Some bad , you crazy : : Do you swear , curse . Chewing son 's life , no complaints reported . This is the greatest help . Powerful life .

  19. 传来一声低沉的命令”停止前进!”——接下来的片刻之间,都是马儿的声音——马鼻子里喷着鼻息,马蹄刨着地面,吧眩吧啦地咬着马嚼子,以及被轻轻拍着的马脖子等。

    There came a low word of command " Halt ! " then a moment of horsey noises - nostrils blowing , hoofs pawing , bits being champed , necks being patted .

  20. 我感觉到了微风吹过玉米秆的沙沙低鸣,还有我的小马烦躁地打响鼻的气息——我们在牧场里抓住它,而且给它戴上了马嚼子——哈,看我有多棒!

    I felt the low soughing of the wind through the cornstalks , the silky rustling of the long leaves , and the indignant snort of my pony , as we caught him in the pasture and put the bit in his mouth - ah me !