
  1. 想看丹尼尔裸戏的粉丝们要high了,一个魂器引发了Ron的幻象,让他看到了哈利和赫敏卿卿我我,搂搂抱抱。

    When a horcrux forces Ron to imagine his worst fears , playing on his insecurities , one of the images he sees is Harry and Hermione kissing and embracing .

  2. 在DH中,哈利将与人讨论大学、职业学校和研究院的情况(最可能是与赫敏)。

    In DH universities , trade schools , or academies will be discussed with Harry ( by Hermione most likely ) .

  3. 罗琳在参加《Wonderland》杂志的访谈时表示,她让赫敏与罗恩在一起只是自己一时的心血来潮,她并没觉得他们就该是一对。

    She told Wonderland magazine that she put Hermione and Ron together as a whim rather than necessarily believing in them as a couple .

  4. 哈利将开始学习NEWT等级考试的课程,包括魔药课而撤消了占卜课。我们将知道赫敏和罗恩选择的职业生涯是怎样的。

    Harry will start NEWT-level classes , which will include Potions but not Divination . We 'll also learn what career paths Hermione and Ron have chosen .

  5. 《Fangirl》的作者RainbowRowell写道:好吧,如果哈利和赫敏彼此相爱也彼此需要,但是没想过要接吻啥的,那还是挺美好的。

    Fangirl author Rainbow Rowell wrote : ' Okay , also , also , it was amazing and beautiful that Harry and Hermione loved each other and needed each other without wanting to kiss . '

  6. 不等罗恩再说一个字,赫敏就消失了。

    Before Ron could say another word , Hermione had disappeared .

  7. 最初,赫敏似乎很爱炫耀自己的聪明。

    At first , Hermione seemed like a very uptight show-off .

  8. 女权主义者写论文论述赫敏的自决权。

    Feminist scholars write papers on Hermione 's road to self-determination .

  9. 罗恩和赫敏知道,但万一他们

    Ron and Hermione know that , but just in case they

  10. 他看着赫敏,赫敏也看着他,脸上是将信将疑的神情。

    He looked at Hermione . Hermione looked back , unconvinced .

  11. 赫敏很热切地点头,可是哈利什么也没说。

    Hermione nodded fervently , but Harry didn 't say anything .

  12. 听到一声惊叫,赫敏知道她的工作完成了。

    A sudden yelp told her she had done her job .

  13. 哈利和赫敏从后面紧紧拽住他的衣服。

    but Harry and Hermione grabbed the back of his jacket .

  14. “那么海格到底想做什么呢?”赫敏说。

    So what on earths Hagrid up to ? said Hermione .

  15. 赫敏终于挣扎着站了起来。

    Hermione had managed to get to her feet at last .

  16. 然而就从那一刻起,赫敏格兰杰成了他们的朋友。

    But from that moment on , Hermione Granger became their friend .

  17. 赫敏又把她浓密的头发绑回成了长辫子;

    Hermione , her bushy hair tied back in a long plait ;

  18. 她就是赫敏,她也是艾玛•沃特森。

    No doubt she is Hermione and she is also Emma Watson .

  19. 罗恩看上去可不像赫敏那样高兴。

    Ron did not look quite as pleased as Hermione .

  20. 赫敏固执地说,我猜想他们大多数都是混血,却假装自己是纯血统。

    I expect most of them are half-bloods pretending to be pure .

  21. 赫敏在哈利13岁生日时买了一套作为礼物。

    Hermione bought one for Harry for his 13th birthday .

  22. 攻击事件对赫敏也产生了影响。

    The attack had also had an effect on Hermione .

  23. “哈利,你上哪儿去了?”赫敏尖声地说。

    Harry , where have you been ? Hermione squeaked .

  24. 赫敏正在检查哈利和罗恩的魔法课作业。

    Hermione was checking Harry and Ron 's Charms homework for them .

  25. “我必须参加比赛,”他对罗恩和赫敏说,

    I 'm going to play , he told Ron and Hermione .

  26. 赫敏突然倒抽一口冷气,指着走廊的下方。

    But Hermione gave a sudden gasp , pointing down the corridor .

  27. “非常安全,因为他们俩都是牙医。”赫敏说。

    Very safe , as they 're both dentists , said Hermione .

  28. 哈利和赫敏没有说话,看着罗恩在那里思索。

    Harry and Hermione stayed quiet , watching Ron think .

  29. 只有五分,算上她在赫敏身上扣掉的分数。

    Five , you mean , once she 's taken off Hermione 's.

  30. 赫敏勉强地朝她笑了笑,她理都不理。

    Hermione gave her a weak smile that she did not return .