
  • Clover;Four Leaf Clover
  1. 愿这棵四叶草带来您爱荣誉健康和财富。

    May this clover bring you love honour health and wealth .

  2. 可以种植饲料类作物,比如四叶草和苜蓿。

    Forage crops like clover and alfalfa could be planted .

  3. 当你捡起它的时候,你看到了四叶草!

    When you pick it off you find a Four Leaf Clover !

  4. 巫师用四叶草来区别辨认什么是善与恶。

    Druids used four leaf clovers to see evil spirits and friendly fairies .

  5. 京晶:就像找到了四叶草一样。

    It 's like finding a four-leaf clover .

  6. 所以所以,请给我一株四叶草。

    All in this four-leafed clover .

  7. 出于好奇,我问店主这么多的四叶草是如何得来的。

    Out of curiosity , I asked the owner of the four-leaf clover is how so many come .

  8. 如果你有幸得到四叶草,请好好保存吧,她能带给你幸福!

    If you are lucky to have a clover , please preserve it carefully , and it brings you happiness .

  9. 总的来说,女性比男性更迷信四叶草、打破镜子及新郎新娘在婚礼前见面等说法;

    Generally , women were more superstitious than men about four-leaf clovers , breaking mirrors or grooms prematurely seeing brides .

  10. 找出给你幸运的四叶草吧,心理承受能力较差者会导致头晕眼花恶心呕吐,慎重。

    You lucky to find the sixiecao bar , poor mental capacity will lead to nausea , vomiting and dizziness seem prudent .

  11. 如果买彩票想中大奖,别指望四叶草能给你带来好运,还是看看你自己的名字吧。

    If you 're dreaming of good fortune in lottery draw , forget about four leaf clovers & and look at your name .

  12. 祝你幸运,希望你不会对我沉长的信感得厌倦&仅仅就将它看作是一朵幸福的小四叶草吧!

    Good luck to you ! I do not hope you will be tired of reading my platitude-just behold it as a four-leaf clover !

  13. 术后3个月内,彗差、球差均较术前增加,而三叶草像差、四叶草像差和高阶散光则无明显改变。

    Some higher order aberrations such as total coma and total spherical aberration increased after LASIK while total trefoil , total 4 foil and high astigmatism did not change .

  14. 我决不会因为一只黑猫在我面前走过而被吓坏,也决不会相信诸如幸运四叶草、幸运便士这类东西。

    I definitely dont freak out if a black cat crosses my path . And when it comes to things like lucky four-leaf clovers and lucky pennies , I just never believed in them .

  15. 尽管四叶草的发现给研究工作带来点帮助,但是白色三叶草也是一种高品质的牧草,而且无处不在的草坪杂草上存在。

    Though the four-leaf variety may be best known for bringing luck to its discoverer , white clover is also known a high quality forage , and for its presence as a ubiquitous lawn weed .

  16. 女王不知情的情况下,哈特内尔在裙子左侧加了一株四叶草,以求幸运之神眷顾女王。而且令他高兴的是,女王在走入威斯敏斯特教堂时,摆动的手拂过了这株幸运草。

    Unbeknown to the Queen , Hartnell added a four-leaf shamrock on the left of the skirt for luck , and was delighted to see her hand brush it as she walked into Westminster Abbey .

  17. 还有就是四叶草,这是很少见的,10000片叶子中才有一片,四叶草也会让人想到爱尔兰。

    Well it 's the four leafed clover . This is very rare , about 1 in 10000 and is also usually associated with Ireland . Break a leg . Fingers crossed . Good luck vibes . I hope you strike gold .

  18. 他从那些圣灵和十字架的四叶草光芒和开始,接下去通过基督的主体和他在山上的追随者,从上到下,神的美丽的光线透过火红色的玻璃逐渐变光,投射出白色的光柱。

    He started with the small quatrefoil lights of the Holy Spirit and the crucifixion , proceeding down through the main panels of Christ and his followers on the mountain , with all the way the white shaft of God 's transfiguring light growing broader through the fire-and-storm colours of the glass .