
sì jiǎo xíng
  • quadrangle;quadrilateral
四角形[sì jiǎo xíng]
  1. 三次系统E3~1存在四角形双曲线分界线环的充要条件

    A necessary and sufficient condition of the existence of the quadrilateral hyperbolic separatrix cycles for the cubic system E_3 ~ 1

  2. 结果多角体大小为0.8~2.3μm,形状为三角形、四角形至不规则形;

    The polyhedral bodies were triangle , quadrilateral and unregular , 0.8 2.3 μ m.

  3. 四角形点集间的射影变换的表达式

    On expression of project transformation between sets of quadric-angle form

  4. 家蚕核型多角体病毒四角形多角体的研究

    Studies on Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus with tetragonal polyhedron

  5. 2100型柴油机采用四角形缩口ω燃烧室燃烧系统的研究

    The investigation on quadrangular type combustion chamber system of a model 2100 diesel engine

  6. 完全四角形的对边点以对角线斜跨多边形的。

    Diagonal point of a complete quadrangle slanted across a polygon on a diagonal line .

  7. 完全四角形的对边点

    Diagonal point of a complete quadrangle

  8. 细分曲面算法通常采用三角形、四角形面片,最近基于六角形面片的细分算法成为研究的热点。

    Subdivision surface algorithms usually use triangular or quadrilateral meshes . Recently , the hexagonal subdivision algorithm becomes the focus of research .

  9. 家是一座简单的四角形金字塔,建筑在珊瑚石的基地上,上面没有竖立什么可以引起土人的贪心的铁架。

    It was a simple quadrangular pyramid , set on a coral base , with no ironwork to tempt the natives ' avarice .

  10. 结果:其花粉多为扁球形、近球形、三角形、四角形等;扁球壳体的整体无模成形理论与实验

    Result : The pollen is morphologically oblate , sub oblate , spheroidal and prolate . Theory and Experiments of the Dieless Integral Hydroforming of Oblate Spheroidal Shells

  11. 双鱼座,北京黄米粽子应该挺适合双鱼们的口胃,北方粽子的代表品种,北京粽子个头较大,为斜四角形或三角形。

    Pisces : Pisces , Beijing , yellow rice Tzung Tzu should be suit for their taste , representatives varieties of northern Tzung Tzu , Beijing Tzung Tzu is big , with square or triangle shape .

  12. 缩口四角ω形燃烧系统的研究

    The Study of Contracted Lip Square Toroidal Combustion System

  13. 综合各参数性能,设计了四单元角形反射器天线阵作为波束切换式智能天线的组阵单元。

    The main parameters of antennas were studied , and a 4 × 1 corner reflector antenna array has been designed and made for the switched-beam antenna system .

  14. 本文在缩口四角ω形燃烧室的设计及试验的基础上,阐述了紊流扰动对燃烧过程的影响。

    Based on the design of contracted lip square toroidal combustion chamber and the experiments with it , the influence of turbulence on the combustion process is expounded .

  15. 本文给出一种其盘面上仅制有同音字的代表汉字四百一十二个、常用符号十九个、四角笔形符号十个,以及拉丁字符号和阿拉伯数字符号的袖珍笔触整字字盘之盘面设计。

    The designs of a pocket piezoelectric characters keyboard face are described , on which there are 412 Chinese characters representing homonyms of all kinds , 19 symbols common in use , 10 symbols representing four angles strokes of Chinese characters , the Latin alphabets and the Arabic numerals .