
  • 网络SISU;Sichuan International Studies University
  1. 四川外国语大学成都学院(ChengduInstituteSichuanInternationalStudiesUniversity)法语系教授沈光临表示,一流大学过于注重法国文学和历史,它们忽视了这样一个事实:非洲正变成学生们最大的工作地。

    Shen Guanglin , a French professor at Chengdu Institute Sichuan International Studies University , says elite universities focus too much on French literature and history , and overlook the fact that Africa is becoming the biggest workplace for students .

  2. 3月初,他来到四川外国语大学,成为了一名外卖送货员。

    He came to Sichuan International Studies University ( SISU ) to be a courier at the beginning of March .

  3. 自那以后,进入四川外国语大学学习就成了这个年轻人的目标。高中退学之后,毛召木每一份工作都干得不长,因为他总是想学英语。

    Ever since , entering SISU has become a target for the young man . Each job Mao took after quitting high school was temporary because he always wanted to study English .

  4. 毛召木向《重庆晨报》透露,给客户发英文信息是他练习英语的一种方式,因为他认为四川外国语大学的学生都会讲英语。

    Mao told Chongqing Morning Post that the English messages he sends to customers are a way for him to practice English , since he expects that SISU students can all speak English .

  5. 今年三月初,他再次辞掉了工作,然后到四川外国语大学当起了外卖小哥,同时又为今年下半年举行的高考做准备。

    At the beginning of March , he quit his job again and became a food delivery courier at SISU , all the while preparing for the college entrance exam , which will be held in the second half of this year .