
sì huán sù lèi kànɡ shēnɡ sù
  • tetracycline antibiotics
  1. 四环素类抗生素(TCs)作为一类最为常见的抗生素,被广泛用于治疗人和动物的感染性疾病,并在畜禽养殖业中用作动物促生长剂。

    Tetracycline antibiotics ( TCs ) was widely used in the treatment of infectious disease in human and animal as one of the most common antibiotics , and sometimes used as animal growth promoting agent in animal husbandry .

  2. 据此,我们以四环素类抗生素(TCs)为例,应用RRS法研究了四环素类抗生素、金属和染料三者之间的相互作用、光谱特征、影响因素、反应机理及分析应用。

    Therefore , we investigated the interaction between tetracycline antibiotics ( TCs ), metal ions and dyes by RRS method . Besides , the spectral characteristics , the affecting factors and the properties of analytical chemistry , the reaction mechanism and their analytical applications have been studied .

  3. 动物组织中四环素类抗生素残留的ELISA检测研究&土霉素抗体的制备

    Detection of tetracyclines residue in animal tissues by ELISA : preparation of anti-OTC antibodies

  4. 土霉素(OTC)是一种应用最为广泛的四环素类抗生素,主要用作抗生素类生长促进剂被加入到饲料中。

    Oxytetracycline ( OTC ) is one of the most frequently used tetracyclines ( TCs ) as antibiotic growth promoters supplied with livestock feed .

  5. 米诺环素是对葡萄球菌最有效的四环素类抗生素,九十年代国产米诺环素问世,本研究表明国产米诺环素对MRSE、MSSE的效果均较好。

    It showed antimicrobial activity of domestic minocycline was effective against MRSE .

  6. 亚胺培南对产ESBLS肺炎克雷伯菌所致感染疗效可靠,而头抱类、氨基普类、哇诺酮类及四环素类抗生素疗效可疑,呱拉西林与他哇巴坦的复合制剂疗效亦不可靠。

    Imipenem was the most reliable antibiotics in treating infection caused by ESBLs-producing klebsiella pneumoniae . Therapeutic efficacy of Cephalosporins , aminoglycosides , quinolones and tetracycline were suspected . And piperacillin / tazobactam was also not reliable .

  7. 离子液体溶剂浮选-光度法测定水中痕量四环素类抗生素

    Ionic Liquid Solvent Sublation-Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Tetracyclines Antibiotic in Water

  8. 固相萃取-亲水作用色谱法测定废水中四环素类抗生素

    Solid Phase Extraction-Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatographic Determination of Tetracycline Antibiotics in Wastewater

  9. 稀土与四环素类抗生素络合物的光度法研究

    Studies on Complexes of Rare Earth Elements with Tetracycline Antibiotics by Spectrophotometry

  10. 用钼(铕)络合物法测定四环素类抗生素的研究

    Determination of Tetracycline Type Antibiotics by Molybdenum and Europium Complex

  11. 动物源食品中四环素类抗生素残留高效液相色谱检测方法的研究

    Determination of Tetracycline Antibiotics Residues in Animal-derived Food by HPLC

  12. 离子液体[Bmim]PF6萃取四环素类抗生素的研究

    Ionic liquids [ Bmim ] PF_6 for the extraction of tetracycline antibiotics

  13. 猪链球菌对四环素类抗生素耐药性及耐药基因研究

    Study on Resistance of Streptococcus Suis Against Tetracycline and Its Resistant Genes

  14. 四环素类抗生素生产废水处理技术进展

    Progresses of Treatment Technologies for Pharmaceutical Wastewater Containing Tetracycline Antibiotics

  15. 钍与四环素类抗生素的显色反应及其分析应用

    Studies on Colored Reaction of Thorium with Tetracycline Antibiotics and Their Analytical Application

  16. 一种测定四环素类抗生素的光谱新方法

    Determination of Tetracyclines by a New Spectrum Technique

  17. 猪粪中四环素类抗生素残留物的生物降解

    Biodegradation of Tetracycline Antibiotics Residues in Swine Manure

  18. 验证了牛奶中四环素类抗生素残留检测的放射免疫方法。

    Charm II radioimmunoassay was established for the determination of total multitetracyclines residues in milk .

  19. 钐、铕-四环素类抗生素络合物荧光性能的研究及其在荧光分析中的应用

    Fluorescence Property of Complexes of Europium and Samarium With Tetracycline Antibiotics and Their Application in Fluorimetry

  20. 牛奶中氯霉素及四环素类抗生素的反相高效液相色谱快速测定

    Simultaneous Determination of Tetracycline , Oxytetracycline , Chlorotetracycline , and Chloramphenicol in Cow Milk by RP-HPLC

  21. 亲水有机溶剂气浮浮选分离/富集环境水中四环素类抗生素残留研究

    Study on the Separation and Preconcentration of TCs in Environmental Water by Hydrophilic Organic Solvent Floatation

  22. 离子液体气浮溶剂浮选分离/富集环境中四环素类抗生素残留的研究

    The Research of Separation / enrichment Tetracycline Antibiotics Residues in the Environment by Ionic Liquid Gas-solvent Sublation

  23. 四环素类抗生素的实验室评价

    Laboratory evaluation of tetracyclines

  24. 结果表明,在畜禽粪便施用前对其进行堆肥处理,能有效降低四环素类抗生素残留带来的环境风险。

    These results suggest that composting is an effective option for the removal of residual tetracyclines in animal manure .

  25. 活性污泥工艺作为常用的市政污水的处理工艺,对于四环素类抗生素的去除具有极其重要的意义。

    Activated sludge process was extremely significant to the removal of tetracycline antibiotics as the common municipal sewage treatment .

  26. 氧化锌浮选中伯胺阳离子捕收剂的密度泛函理论计算(英文)离子液体溶剂浮选-光度法测定水中痕量四环素类抗生素

    DFT calculation of amine cation collectors for zinc oxide flotation Ionic Liquid Solvent Sublation-Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Tetracyclines Antibiotic in Water

  27. 细菌对四环素类抗生素的耐药主要是获得了有关编码相关蛋白的四环素耐药基因,通过外输泵出机制、核糖体保护机制及产生灭活四环素的钝化酶机制等介导。

    The resistance of bacteria to tetracyclines is mainly by resistance genes coding efflux proteins , ribosomal protection proteins or enzymatic inactivation of tetracycline .

  28. 主要研究讨论如下:(1)探明了三种四环素类抗生素在活性污泥工艺中的去除途径。

    The main researches were as follows : ( 1 ) The removal pathways of three kinds of tetracycline antibiotics in the activated sludge process were proved .

  29. 方法适用于动物肌肉、肝脏和肾脏组织中7种四环素类抗生素残留量的同时检测。

    The method is sensitive , accurate , convenient and rapid , which can be used to simultaneously detect 7 tetracycline residues in animal muscle , liver and kidney .

  30. 可以引发光敏的药物清单很长,最常见的是四环素类抗生素,某些抗组织胺药物,以及局部抗生素。

    The list of drugs that can cause sun sensitivity is long , but among the most common culprits are antibiotics like tetracycline , certain antihistamines and topical antimicrobials .