
sì zú dònɡ wù
  • quadruped;tetrapod
  1. 动物有爪的脚,尤其是四足动物。

    A clawed foot of an animal especially a quadruped .

  2. 实心蹄食草性四足动物,从史前时期就开始驯养。

    Solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times .

  3. 如你所知,马是四足动物。

    You see , a horse is a four-footed animal .

  4. 四足动物的类似的后部形似蜥蜴的两栖动物。

    A homologous posterior part in quadrupeds . amphibians that resemble lizards .

  5. 马、狮子和狗是四足动物,但人是二足动物。

    Horses , lions and dogs are quadrupeds , but humans are bipeds .

  6. 大象是四足动物中最大的动物。

    The elephant is the largest four-footed animal .

  7. 马是一种四足动物。

    A house is a four-legged animal .

  8. 四足动物大腿骨和胫骨之间的关节;与人类的膝盖对应。

    Joint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped ; corresponds to the human knee .

  9. 四足动物都躲藏起来了,小鸟在这平和的时刻里也休息了,

    Quadrupeds are confined to their coverts and the birds sit upon their perches this peaceful hour .

  10. (动物学)四足动物身上处于或者靠近后部的,或者灵长动物身上朝向脊骨的。

    ( zoology ) at or near the hind end in quadrupeds or toward the spine in primates .

  11. (指四足动物)位于或者朝向身体上长尾巴的地方。

    ( of quadrupeds ) situated in or directed toward the part of the body from which the tail arises .

  12. 整体说来,目前发掘出的有肢四足动物或近四足动物,都是相当大的怪兽,体长约有一公尺。

    By and large , the limbed tetrapods and near-tetrapods unearthed thus far have been sizeable beasts , around a meter long .

  13. 因此,当一个新的婴儿是引入一个家庭中,它可以是一个富有挑战性的时间,我们敬爱的四足动物。

    Thus , when a new baby is introduced into a family , it can be a challenging time for our beloved four legged creatures .

  14. 现在国家科学院学报上登载的一项研究指出,他们是四足动物版的全驱动汽车。

    And now a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests they come equipped with the quadruped version of all-wheel drive .

  15. 快乐的尼德·兰提议明夭再到这个迷人的岛上来,他要把所有可以吃的四足动物都打尽,一个不留。

    A gleeful Ned proposed that we return the next day to this magic island , which he planned to depopulate of its every edible quadruped .

  16. 在好奇围观者的众目睽睽之下,这只老虎一会儿藏在树丛中,一会儿又“裸奔”在人行道上&煞有四足动物之介事地逃离猎手们的追捕。

    In front a crowd of amazed onlookers , the " tiger " hid in bushes and ran down walkways-quite skillfully for a quadruped-trying his best to evade his captors .

  17. 人类身体的腹部外表;肝脏的位置有点靠近腹部;与四足动物后肢相对的是腹鳍。

    The ventral aspect of the human body ; the liver is somewhat ventral in position ; ventral ( or pelvic ) fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped .

  18. 本文在分析四足动物步态特点的基础上,结合本机器人自身结构特点,规划了仿爬行动物的爬行步态。

    Legged robot has congenital bionic characteristics , so based on the combination of characteristic analysis of animal gait and our robot structure ; the crawl gait similar to reptile is planed .

  19. 这些发现让我们对地球生命史上重要章节的了解,几乎有了巨幅的成长,也因而改写了我们过去对于早期四足动物演化、样性、物地理学及古生物学的观念。

    These discoveries have expanded almost exponentially our understanding of this critical chapter in the history of life on earth-and turned old notions about early tetrapod evolution , diversity , biogeography and paleoecology on their heads .

  20. 四足机器人是模仿动物的运动机理,实现不同环境下的适应性行走。

    Quadruped robots are imitating animals'mechanisms ; realize the adaptability of walking in different environments .