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  • Powder for Treating Cold Limbs
  1. 四逆散有效部位对嗅球损毁大鼠海马细胞发生及CREB基因拷贝数量的影响

    Effects of Sini Powdered Effective Composition on Hippocampus Neurogenesis and CREB Copy Number in Rats Following Lesions of Olfactory Bulb

  2. 四逆散活性成分对慢性应激诱导的抑郁症模型大鼠大脑皮层与海马5-HT(1A)受体mRNA表达的影响

    Influence of Active Components of Sini Powder on the Expression of 5-HT_ ( 1A ) Receptor mRNA in the Cortex and Hippocampus of the Rat Model of Depression Induced by Chronic Stressors

  3. 方法用敞箱和Morris水迷宫研究四逆散有效部位对嗅球损毁大鼠水平、垂直运动和学习记忆等行为学变化的影响。

    Methods Open-field and Morris water maze were used to investigate the effects of EFSP on rat behavioural changes , such as horizontal and vertical movements , learning and memory abilities .

  4. 四逆散干预后FC组全结肠、左半结肠、乙状结肠直肠通过时间明显缩短(P<0.05)。

    After FC patients being treated with SP , their CTT of whole colon , left half colonic section and sigmoid-rectal section were significantly shortened ( [ WTBX ] P < 0.05 ) .

  5. [目的]观察加味四逆散(JSS)对慢性心理应激大鼠下丘脑促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)及环核苷酸系统的影响。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the regulatory effect of Jiawei Sini San ( JSS ) on psychological stress in rats with chronic psychological stress .

  6. 目的通过观察四逆散对肠易激综合征(IBS)病证结合模型和疾病模型的影响,评价四逆散对IBS的疗效。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Sini San against Irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) by effects of Sini San against IBS disease-syndrome combined model and IBS disease model . METHOD : 1 .

  7. 结果四逆散有效部位明显增加了海马齿状回(包括SGZ和hillus区)Brdu标记数量,同时增加了CREB基因拷贝数量。

    RESULTS Chronic Sini powdered effective composition treatment significantly increased the number of BrdU-labeled cells in the dentate gyrus and hilus of the hippocampus and CREB copy number .

  8. 结果:四逆散减少旷场实验的爬格次数(P<0.01),降低CRH,CORT的含量(P<0.01,P<0.05);

    Result : Sini powder could reduce the crossing times of open-field test ( P < 0.01 ) and the contents of CRH and CORT ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.05 );

  9. 方法采用原位杂交方法分析5HT1A受体mRNA表达的数量,以探讨四逆散活性成分抗抑郁机制。

    Method The in situ hybridization technique was used to analyze the amounts of expression of 5-HT_ 1A receptor mRNA in order to explore the anti-depressive mechanism of the active components of Sini Powder .

  10. 方法采用RP-HPLC法测定四逆散不同配伍中柴胡皂苷a、b2的煎出量;比色法测定总柴胡皂苷的煎出量。

    Methods The reversed phased-high performance liquid chromatography ( RP-HPLC ) was used to determine the decocting quantity of saikosaponin-a and b2 , and chromatoptometry was used to determine the decocting quantity of the total saikosaponin from the different component combinations of Sini Powder .

  11. 通过肠道灌注冰醋酸或芥末油成功建立了新的内脏高敏感性IBS疾病模型,四逆散可通过降低肠道敏感性、改善胃肠电生理活动及降低血清5-HT含量来治疗内脏高敏感性IBS疾病模型大鼠。

    The new visceral hypersensitivity IBS model was successfully established by respectively injecting the acetic acid or mustard into the intestine . Sini San is able to cure model rats by decreasing intestinal sensitivity , improving gastric and enteric electrical activity and decreasing 5-HT in serum .

  12. 目的研究慢性应激所造成的抑郁症模型大鼠在四逆散活性成分治疗后皮层与海马5HT1A受体mRNA表达数量的变化。

    Objective To investigate the changes in the amounts of expression of 5-HT_ 1A receptor mRNA in the cortex and hippocampus of the rat model of depression induced by chronic stressors treated with the active components of Sini Powder .

  13. 方法用加味四逆散治疗恶劣心境障碍患者38例(治疗组),并与氟西汀作对照(对照组),观察治疗前后临床症状、汉米尔顿抑郁量表(HRSD)总分及因子分的变化。

    Methods 68 patients were allocated to two groups as follows : control and therapy . The clinical manifestations and Hamilton rating scale for depression ( HRSD ) factors are studied before and after treatment .

  14. 四逆散有效部位大、小剂量(600、300mg/kg)可以拮抗利血平降低小鼠体温、引起小鼠眼睑下垂的作用,明显增加5-HTP诱导小鼠的甩头次数。

    The high and low doses of the effective fraction of Sini Powder ( 600mg / kg , 300mg / kg ) antagonized the descent of body temperature and ptosis induced by reserpine , and increased significantly the frequency of mouse head flick induced by 5-HTP .

  15. 经方四逆散具有一定的保肝作用。

    Classic prescription Sinisan has certain protective effect on liver injury .

  16. 四逆散加减治疗带状疱疹12例

    Sini Powder With Modification in Treating 12 Cases of Herpes Zoster

  17. 四逆散有效成分提取和成分分析研究

    Studies on the Extraction of Effective Components and Analysis for Sini Powder

  18. 经方四逆散能使肝损害小鼠肝组织病理变化程度明显减轻。

    The extent of pathological injury of liver tissue was alleviated markedly .

  19. 结论:四逆散具有抑制小鼠小肠推进的作用。

    Conclusion : Sinisan could restrain the small intestine propulsion function of mice .

  20. 四逆散加减治疗慢性胃炎临床分析

    A clinical analysis of Sini powder for chronic gastritis

  21. 加味四逆散治疗脂肪肝32例

    32 cases of Modified Si Ni Powder in the Treatment of Fat Liver

  22. 本课题对四逆散有效成分的提取和成分分析进行了研究。

    This task studied on the extraction of effective components and components analysis .

  23. 四逆散对慢性应激大鼠下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴作用的实验研究

    Effects of " Sini Powder " on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Chronic Stress Rats

  24. 四逆散对正常及失眠大鼠睡眠时相的影响

    The Effects of Sini Powder on the Sleep Phase in Normal and Insomnious Rats

  25. 四逆散有效部位对小鼠行为绝望和药物抑郁模型的作用

    Effect of effective fraction of Sini Powder on mouse model of behavioral despair and medical depression

  26. 加味四逆散对慢性心理应激大鼠的神经内分泌和行为学的调整作用

    Regulatory Effect of Jiawei Sini San on Neuroendocrine and Behavior of Rats Under Chronic Psychological Stress

  27. 学习记忆的增强可能与四逆散有效部位发挥抗抑郁药样作用相关。

    The improvement of memory and learning abilities may be related to the anti-depression effect of EFSP .

  28. 观察经方四逆散对肝损害的保护作用及机制研究。

    Objective To observe the protective effect of classic prescription Sinisan and the mechanism on liver injury .

  29. 目的研究四逆散有效部位对小鼠抑郁模型的抗抑郁作用。

    Objective To study the antidepressant effect of the effective fraction of Sini Powder on mouse depressive model .

  30. 功能性便秘患者结肠通过时间及四逆散干预的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Colonic Transmission Time and the Effect of Sini Powder on It in Functional Constipation Patients