
  • 网络Four stage method;four-step method;FITT
  1. 交通规划四阶段法在物流需求预测中的应用

    Application of Four-Step Method of Traffic Planning to Logistics Demand Forecast

  2. 文中提出的区域交通信息量四阶段法预测、网络布局模式及网络布局优化研究均为创新性成果。

    The innovative achievements of this dissertation can be summed up as the followings : four-step method to predict the amount of regional transportation information , network layout models , and research on optimization of network layout .

  3. 基于四阶段法,采用双重力模型,预测全国空域的交通流量OD分布。

    The four stage method and a double gravity model were used to forecast the OD ( origin-destination ) distribution of air traffic flow in the whole airspace of China .

  4. OD调查表是交通需求预测的基础数据,通过OD调查进而获得OD调查表,再通过模型计算,最后实现对规划区域的需求预测,是四阶段法交通需求预测的典型思路。

    OD matrix is the basic data of Transport demand forecasting , four steps of which representative plan is getting OD matrix by OD survey information , computering by modal , obtaining the result .

  5. 为了简化高速公路影响区的交通需求预测工作,从分析我国高速公路的特点入手,引入节点OD矩阵和线路OD矩阵推算技术,对传统四阶段法中的交通生成和分布预测过程进行了修改。

    In order to reduce the workload of traffic demand forecasting of expressway 's influencing area , the technique of OD matrix estimation was adopted considering the characteristics of expressways to modify the process of the traditional " four-stage " method .

  6. 对河北省的od调查基础数据进行出行、客货、货类等项分析,在此基础上采用传统的四阶段法对未来年各路段的交通量进行预测,得出未来年的交通量预测结果。

    It 's the analysis of trip-generation , traveler and freight by the basic OD data , on the base it 's used traditional four stage method to predict the future traffic volume of road segment , and then we can obtain the forecasting results of the future traffic volume .

  7. 运动车辆车标定位的四阶段法研究

    Study on the four-step methods of vehicle-logo location of moving vehicles

  8. 轨道交通客流预测四阶段法的改进

    Improvement of the Four-stage Model for Prediction of URT Passenger Flow

  9. 研究表明,四阶段法更具科学性、可信性,比较符合交通量发展变化的客观规律。

    It indicates that the four-step forecast method is scientific and believable .

  10. 浅谈四阶段法在交通量预测中的应用

    The Application of Terminal Survey Method to Traffic Volume Predication

  11. 基于四阶段法的交通需求预测组合模型

    Combinatorial Model for Traffic Demand Forecasting Based on Four-stage Method

  12. 修正四阶段法在城市交通抗灾规划中的应用

    Application of Revised Four-stage Method in Urban Transport Plan for Emergency Response

  13. 震后交通需求预测的修正四阶段法

    Revised Four-stage Method for Post-earthquake Traffic Demand Forecast

  14. 基于四阶段法的交通运输规划中运输量预测方法

    Forecast Method of Carrying Volume in Communications and Transportation Planning Based on Four Stage Laws

  15. 当前,国内外主要使用的出行需求预测模型是基于四阶段法的传统模型。

    Currently , the major domestic and international travel demand forecasting model is based on the traditional model of the four-stage method .

  16. 但传统的四阶段法仍然存在很多自身的局限性,尤其在交通量预测方面。

    But traditional " four stages " method still exists a great many limits in itself , especially in aspect of traffic forecast .

  17. 因此,对交通影响分析四阶段法中的出行生成量准确预测必然是需要重点研究的关键技术之一。

    Therefore , the influence of traffic demand in four phases accurately predict will travel to the key research is one of the key technologies .

  18. 近年来,我国城市交通规划的实践表明,传统的四阶段法在我国现阶段应用存在明显的局限性。

    But in recent years , the work practice of urban Traffic planning in china shows that classic Four-step planning is limited in our country nowadays .

  19. 对社会经济发展预测和交通量预测理论和方法进行了归纳、比较,并重点对交通量预测的四阶段法进行了详细分析。

    The methods of the traffic forecasting and social economic forecasting are carried out and analyzed , and the four-step forecast method of highways section traffic is especially discussed .

  20. 在此背景下,四阶段法的提出奠定了交通规划发展的基础,此后,许多模型相继产生。

    In the context , the appearance of ' four-stage ' method lays the foundation for the development of transportation planning , thereafter , many models are proposed successively .

  21. 在铁路货运通道布局优化方法方面,首次从宏观层面提出并阐述了运用四阶段法来设计铁路货运通道布局的原理和方法。

    In the section of railway corridor layout optimization , this paper firstly proposes and uses the principles and methods of four-phase method to optimize the freight rail distribution corridor .

  22. 论文以四阶段法和城市空间结构理论为基础,对大城市快速路系统规划理论与方法进行了研究。

    On the basis of the Four Phases Method and the theory of urban spatial structure , the research focuses on the theory and the method of urban expressway network planning .

  23. 我国高等级公路及城市交通建设项目已全部采用四阶段法预测运输需求,绝大部分铁路建设项目也采用四阶段预测法。

    Our nation 's first-class highway and the municipal transportation projects have all used four stages predict method to forecast transport demand ; majorities of railroad project also use this method .

  24. 针对地铁客流的特点,在交通规划四阶段法的基础上,突出预测结果的合理性和预测工作的高效性,提出了改进四阶段法地铁客流预测模型。

    Based on " four steps method " of traffic scheme , the forecast model-improved " four steps method " is presented with regard to peculiarities of subway passenger volume in this paper .

  25. 本文正是以广州至珠海城际快速轨道交通的客流预测为研究课题,采用四阶段法对轨道交通的客流量进行预测。

    This article is precisely taking the passenger flow forecast of Guangzhou-Zhuhai rapid rail transit as the research topic , using four stages predict method to forecast the rail transit 's passenger flow volume .

  26. 交通需求预测是交通规划的重要组成部分和关键技术内容,四阶段法作为交通需求预测的经典方法,在我国的交通规划中得到了广泛应用。

    Traffic demand forecast is an important part of traffic planning and crucial technical content , and " Four-step " traffic planning method , the theory of which has been widely used in China , is the classic method of traffic demand forecast .

  27. 本文以宁波城市快速轨道交通线网规划为例,介绍了宁波轨道交通客流预测所采用的技术手段,总结出了一种基于四阶段法改进的双重分配的轨道客流预测方法。

    This paper , with the planning of Ningbo urban rail transit network as a case in point , introduces the technology employed in the estimation of the passenger flow in Ningbo URT and a method of double allocation based on four - phase method .

  28. 目前,在进行公路网规划时,主要采用两种方法,即总量控制法和四阶段法,随着理论的逐渐完善,四阶段法被越来越多的交通规划者所采用。

    At present , in highway network layout two methods are mainly adopted , that is , gross control method and " four stage s " method . And along with maturing of the theory ," four stage " method is adopted more and more by traffic planer .

  29. 针对传统四阶段法不太适合长大铁路干线需求预测的实际,通过对四阶段需求预测方法及各种模型的改造,建立了一套适合我国铁路项目客运量预测的预测方法和程序。

    Considering the practical inapplicability of traditional four-stage transportation planning method on great railway lines , this paper analyses the characteristics of the railway corridor and reconstructs a serious of models to predict passenger transport demand of railway based on the background of the Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway .

  30. 最后,论文采用RBF神经网络主成分预测法与四阶段预测法相组合的方法建立数学模型预测远景交通量。

    Last , the paper adopts mathematical models to predict perspective increasing order , synthetically making use of neural networks and four-steps method .