
  • 网络backwash effect;backflow effect;Back wash effect;washback effect
  1. 填石排淤法中的泥石回流效应

    Back Flow Effect of Ooze-rock in the Toe-shooting Method

  2. 根据部分测量结果分析了这些因素对边角处颗粒回流效应的影响。

    The influence of some factors on the wall and corner particle back-flow was analyzed too .

  3. 导致二元金融结构与区域金融的回流效应对货币政策有效性的冲销。

    Third it causes in the circumfluence effect of duality finance structure and region finance to counteract the validity of money policy .

  4. 首先对稀薄预混气体的低速过滤燃烧波的传播特性进行了系统的数值研究,并与实验结果进行对比。通过一维数值模型研究多孔介质引起的热回流效应。

    Wave propagation characteristics of low-velocity filtration combustion in a porous medium burner are systemically investigated . Heat recuperation originated by the porous medium is examined by a one-dimensional numerical model .

  5. 不论是从总体经济增长和生产能力,还是从消费市场容量来看,东亚都呈现出强大实力,通过扩散和回流效应拉动了世界经济发展。

    East Asia has the powerful strength in both the economic growth and the market growth , and thus promotes the development of the world economy through the diffusing effect and the circumfluent effect .

  6. 区域经济理论中,处于区域经济发展中心地位的核心对外围地区经济发展的影响体现为回流效应和扩散效应两种方向相反的效应。

    In regional economic theory , the core which is at the center of a nation 's economy can influence other non-core areas through the following 2 ways : spillover effect and backwash effect .

  7. 新的区域规划促进了新的增长极的发展,必然会带来极化效应,消除负面效应需要政府的引导,从而促进回流效应和扩散效应产生。

    New regional plan to promote a new growth pole of development will inevitably bring about polarization effects . Eliminating the negative effects need for government guidance thereby promoting effect and diffusion effect in the back .

  8. 我国农村劳动力回流的效应与对策分析

    Analysing Effect and Countermeasure about the Reflow of the Countryside Labors in Our Country

  9. 本文用宏观处理的方法,研究了强流相对论电子束在等离子体内引起的回流电流效应。

    In this paper , the return current induced by a relativistic electron beam Penetrating a plasma is studied by a macroscopic treatment .

  10. 冲压发动机突扩燃烧室回流旋涡热缩效应的研究着火物在火焰旋涡流场中运动规律研究

    COMBUSTION EFFECT ON RECIRCULATION ZONE IN A RAMJET DUMP COMBUSTOR Study on Motion Law of Burning Debris in Fire Whirl Flow Field

  11. 中国城市与区域经济增长的扩散回流与市场区效应

    Spread-backwash and Market Area Effects of Urban and Regional Growth in China