
  • 网络landscaping
  1. 竹类植物的园林造景

    The Application of Bamboos in Landscaping

  2. 秋色叶及观果树木在园林造景中的应用

    Application of Foliage Plants and Ornamental Fruit Plants to Garden Building

  3. 康体植物群落的园林造景应用

    The Application of Healthful Plants Community in Designing Landscape

  4. 试析广西壮族自治区南宁市园林造景季相设计

    Analysis of Nanning City of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Seasonal Garden Landscape Design

  5. 中国梅文化及梅花在园林造景中的应用

    The Plum Culture in China and the Application of Plum in Landscape Gardening

  6. 观赏树木在园林造景中的美学探讨

    Research on Esthetics of Tree Disposition in Gardening

  7. 秋色叶树是园林造景中重要的观赏树木之一。

    Autumn-color-tree is very important both in a large and a small scale landscape .

  8. 浅谈中国古典园林造景的手法

    On landscape forming methods of Chinese classical garden

  9. 作为园林造景的重要素材,地被植物在城市园林造景中的作用不可或缺。

    As the important material in garden landscape , ground cover plays an irreplaceable role .

  10. 在造景手法上,从依赖传统的古典园林造景手法发展为多种形式多种风格并用的造景手法。

    Landscape developed from relying on traditional classical gardening into using various forms of techniques and styles .

  11. 最终总结出这三类园林造景艺术手法发展规律的相似性。

    Eventually the article concluded that three types of landscape gardening art of the similarity of the law of development practices .

  12. 并介绍了栽培管理要点和繁殖技术,为进一步在园林造景中的推广应用提供了依据。

    The methods of propagation and techniques of cultivation have been studied , which provides the basis for further utilization in gardens .

  13. 就棕榈植物的特点和景观功能,探讨棕榈植物如何应用于园林造景。

    This article discusses how to apply palms in landscape design in terms of palms ' biological characteristics and their landscape functions .

  14. 山乌桕树叶秋天变红,用于园林造景,更能体现季节的变化。

    Sapium discolor is always used in gardens to embody the change of seasons since its leaves can become red in autumn .

  15. 通过对双秀公园竹溪茶室景区的实地调查与园林造景手法的分析,论证了竹溪茶室景区景观设计的成功之处,同时也指出了其不足之处。

    Through field survey and analysis on Zhuxi Tea room scene , this paper points out the excellences and the flaws of Zhuxi Tea room scene design .

  16. 在传统的园林造景手法中,山、水,泉,石、花,木、建筑等,共同构成了传统园林的设计创作元素。

    In the traditional garden landscape , hill , water , springs , stone , flower , wood , architecture , etc , together traditional garden design elements .

  17. 竹子作为一种常绿性植物逐渐为大众所喜爱,园林造景过程中竹类植物的应用日益增加。

    The bamboos as an ever green plant was gradually appreciated by people , so as to cause the its more application in the landscape of garden design .

  18. 古人在园林造景中对于石头的运用也是匠心独具,并在设计的发展中逐步有了丰富的置石掇山的文化底蕴和技巧。

    The ancients in gardens in the use of stone , and craftsmanship is in the design of developing a rich Duo placing stone mountain of culture and skills .

  19. 以森林地星罗棋布似地点缀的大草原水族造景:擅长水族箱造景,园林造景,有水草、观赏鱼养殖经验者优先。

    A prairie islanded with wooded tracts Aquatic Scenery : good at building scenery in aquariums , gardens , having experiences of raising water plants and ornamental fishes preferential .

  20. 介绍了在园林造景中挺水植物的选择及其在湖池、驳岸、湿地园林、室内等的造景设计要点。

    In the landscape design , the main points of the emerged plants in the lakes , ponds , embankments , wetland landscape architectures , indoor landscapes were put forward .

  21. 鱼作为动物资源不仅是园林造景的要素,而且与鱼相关的景更是园林审美和意境创造不可或缺的媒介。

    As an animal resource , fish is not only a factor in the gardens , but also a medium to create artistic conception and to appreciate beauty in the garden landscape .

  22. 如画(1775~1801):18世纪后期、19世纪初期一种主要结合建筑和园林造景的风尚。

    Picturesque ( 1775 ~ 1801 ): Artistic concept and style of the late 18th and early 19th century characterized by a preoccupation with architecture and landscape in pictorial combination with each other .

  23. 纵观中外园林造景艺术手法的发展及特色,他们犹如一汪涌流不止的艺术泉眼,为今后的园林事业的发展提供着源源不断的理论依据和创新提纲。

    Throughout the art of landscape gardening and foreign development practices and characteristics of Remarks of flow more than they like a spring of art for the future of the garden to provide a steady stream of business development and innovation outline the theoretical basis .

  24. 现代城市园林植物造景特色的探讨

    Research on the Characteristic of Landscape Plants Design in Modern Urban

  25. 试论景洪热带地区园林植物造景的特点

    Discussing Features of Gardening Plants Landscape in Jinghong Tropical Area

  26. 灌木在湖南园林植物造景中的应用研究

    Study on application of bushes and shrubs in planting landscape of Hunan

  27. 现代园林植物造景意境研究&点空间植物造景初探

    A Preliminary Study on Plants Landscape in Point Green Space

  28. 浅谈湖南园林植物造景特色

    Landscape planting to build the scenic features in Hunan

  29. 园林小品造景是公园结构系统的重要组成部分。

    Sketch of garden landscape is an important part of the park system .

  30. 关于园林植物造景艺术的探讨

    A Discussion on the Art Design of Gardens