
  1. 浅释《园冶》的古典园林设计理念

    On The Design Concepts of Classical Garden in Yuan Ye

  2. 自我、景致与行动:《园冶》借景篇

    Self , Scene and Action : The Final Chapter of Yuan ye

  3. 《园冶》的环境保护思想

    The Environmental Protection Idea of Yuan Ye

  4. 《园冶.山林地》我国是多山国家,如何针对山地的特点与优势,建设良好的山地园林景观是一个重要课题。

    It is an important issue how to aim at characters of mountains to construct mountainous gardens .

  5. 从艺术风格和审美情趣上看,《园冶》主要是围绕着文人园林的建造而展开的。

    According to the art style and aesthetic taste , Yuan Ye mainly concluded principles of constructing scholar garden .

  6. 《园冶》造园学说核心价值及其现代生态文明建设之运用

    A Study on Core Values of the Gardening Theory of Yuanye and Its Application in the Construction of Modern Ecological Civilization

  7. 进一步讲,《园冶》主张园林的自然感主要表现在山水、建筑、花木和景观以及它们的形态、结构和布局审美特征上。

    The natural feeling of garden mainly embody through their appearances , structure and layout up of the landscapes , buildings , grants and views .

  8. 此外,从文学、山水画、造园著作《园冶》中也能看到风水对造园的巨大影响。

    In addition , from literature , painting , and famous writing " Gardening ", we can also see that Feng Shui has tremendous impact on the gardens .

  9. 《园冶》作为中国古代园林艺术的精华,它深刻地影响了后世园林艺术美学理论框架的建构和相关概念范畴的使用。

    Art of Garden-Building is the essence of ancient Chinese garden-building art , influencing profoundly the construction of aesthetic theory of garden-building in later generations and the application of relevant scope of concepts .

  10. 《园冶》的园林审美观可以概括为三大方面:自然、如画和尚雅,它们也是中国古代文人园林的主要艺术和审美特征。

    These gardening aesthetic viewpoints in Yuan Ye can be generalized into three parts : Natural , picturesque and elegant . They are also the mainly art and aesthetic properties of the scholar garden .

  11. 山水画及山水画论充当了中国古典园林设计与营造的指导书籍,后来的园林专著有计成的《园冶》等。

    Landscape painting and landscape paintings of Chinese classical gardens served as a design and create a guide book , then there is the garden of monographs into the " Yuanye " and so on .

  12. 首先从理论的高度分析《园冶》中构建理想人居环境的核心理念,分别从哲学高度和构建原则来分析,从这些理念中我们可以看到前人的营造原则和建筑思想的高超、巧妙。

    First from a high degree of analysis of the theory of Yuanye build the core concept of the ideal living environment , respectively , from the philosophical level , from these ideas , we can see that the predecessors to create the principles and superb architectural ideas , clever .