
yuán yì shī
  • horticulturist;plantsman
  1. 园艺师培育了玫瑰的一个新品种。

    The horticulturist developed a new type of rose .

  2. 大多数游客来这儿是为了参观游乐场,这是在18世纪由著名园艺师“能人布朗”(CapabilityBrown)设计的。

    Most of the tourists come here to see the pleasure grounds , which were landscaped by Capability Brown in the 18th century .

  3. 我当时也缺钱,因此申请了汉普顿宫(hamptoncourt)园艺师的工作。

    I also needed money , so I applied for a job at Hampton Court gardens as an under-gardener .

  4. NancyGarrison大约30年前在SantaClara郡开设了首个主园艺师项目。

    Nancy Garrison started the first master gardener program in Santa Clara County , California , almost thirty years ago .

  5. 伦敦荷兰公园首席园艺师StellaFear向我们展示抑制或彻底毁坏常春藤的最佳方法。

    Stella Fear , Head gardener at Holland Park , London , shows us the best ways to limit Ivy , or destroy it altogether .

  6. 苏格兰阿伯丁郡Pitmedden花园首席园艺师SusanBurgess向你展示怎样最好地护理金银花。

    Susan Burgess , Head Gardener at Pitmedden Garden in Aberdeenshire , Scotland shows you how best to care for them .

  7. 佛罗里达Manatee郡的主要园艺师MelissaSnyder说,修剪会使植株受伤。

    Melissa Snyder , a master gardener in Manatee County , Florida , says pruning wounds a plant .

  8. 伦敦荷兰公园园艺师罗伯特·斯科特向VideoJug用户展示怎样使用腐叶来改良土壤和花园。

    Gardener Rob Scott at Holland Park in London shows VideoJug users how to use leaf mould to improve your soil , and therefore your garden .

  9. 惠特科姆的园艺师埃玛&12539;德凯雷斯(EmmaDecaires)说,现在根据什么植物能在那儿存活,什么植物能保持水土,每年春季那面面板都必须重新种上植物。

    Now , the wall must be replanted each spring , ' based on what plants will survive there , and what plants will hold the soil , ' said Emma Decaires , the Whitcombs ' horticulturalist .

  10. 福雷斯甘,来自亚拉巴马绿茵县的园艺师

    Forrest Gump , the gardener from Greenbow , Alabama ,

  11. 我们在听又一位细心的园艺师谈他最得意的理论。

    We were listening to yet another careful gardener with his pettheories .

  12. 保安园艺师厨师女佣私人护士

    Security guard , gardener , cook , maid , private nurse .

  13. 我也不再需要你这个园艺师的服务。

    I will no longer be needing your services as a landscaper .

  14. 他是个园艺师,也是两个漂亮孩子的父亲。

    He 's a florist . We have beautiful children .

  15. 来自亚拉巴马绿茵县的园艺师,除了睡觉

    a gardener from Greenbow , Alabama , stopping only to sleep ,

  16. 同时,他还是园艺师,建筑师,音乐家和发明家。

    He was also a plant expert , architect , musician and inventor .

  17. 园艺师能帮助人们避免这些错误。

    Master gardeners can help people avoid mistakes .

  18. 一些园艺师说,把菊花种植在一起会呈现出最漂亮的画面。

    Some gardeners say the most beautiful presentation comes from planting mums close together .

  19. 园艺师汤姆·科尔向你展示怎样最好地收获萝卜。

    Gardener Tom Cole demonstrates how to get the best from your radish crop .

  20. 园艺师汤姆·科尔向你展示怎样最大限量地收获青葱。

    Gardener Tom Cole shows how to get the most from your spring onions .

  21. 你儿子也是园艺师吗?

    Is your son a gardener ?

  22. 70年代,她与一名年轻英俊的园艺师堕入爱河,招致公众的嘲笑和愤怒。

    In the1970s her affair with a handsome young gardener brought her public ridicule and anger .

  23. 是一名来自圣亨利的园艺师

    is a landscaper from Saint-Henri .

  24. 许多人需要来自专家的建议,例如马里兰推广服务大学的主园艺师。

    Many need advice from experts like the master gardeners at the University of Maryland Extension service .

  25. 整个马里兰州的主园艺师都在帮助缺少经验的人们学习怎样在土地上劳作。

    Master gardeners from throughout the state are helping less experienced people learn how to work the land .

  26. 合适的职业包括园艺师、美术设计师、导演或制片人、室内装潢设计师和编辑。

    Appropriate profession includes stylist of horticultural division , artistic design division , director or producer , upholstery and editor .

  27. 最后,我在一个艺术品商店兼画廊里找到了一份奇怪的工作,为园艺师服务。

    In the end , I took a job in an art shop and gallery and did odd jobs for garden designers .

  28. 英文中,如果要说某人是个非常好的园艺师,他们栽培的植物总是轻易地长得绿绿的,我们就说“他们有绿手指”。

    In English , if someone is a good gardener and can make plants grow very easily , we say they have green fingers .

  29. 一般人也不得不勒紧腰包,过去雇人做的事情现在都自己动手了。这样一来,园丁、清洁工、园艺师和其他没有特殊技术或技能较低的工人就发现活计变得越来越少了。

    The pinch on the pocketbooks of average people has translated into less work for gardeners , house cleaners , landscapers and other unskilled or low-skilled laborers .

  30. 在听了珠宝商、园艺师及其他王室成员的建议之后,最终,她的孙子给了她最完美的王冠——一顶他自己做的纸王冠。

    And after suggestions from jewellers , gardeners and other royal staff it 's her grandson who eventually offers the perfect crown - a paper one he 's made himself .