
cǎo píng
  • lawn;grass;meadow;grassland;bowling green;grass-plot;sward;greensward
草坪 [cǎo píng]
  • (1) [grassland;meadow]∶草地

  • (2) [lawn;grassplot]∶天然的或人工培育的、长满草的平地

  • (3) [bowling green]∶打球用的草地

草坪[cǎo píng]
  1. 务必要使铺路石和草坪齐平。

    Make sure the paving stones are flush with the lawn .

  2. 夏天我们每周得修剪草坪两次。

    In summer we have to mow the lawn twice a week .

  3. 他们在草坪上标出网球场。

    They marked out a tennis court on the lawn .

  4. 太阳落山时我们在草坪上留下长长的影子。

    As the sun went down we cast long shadows on the lawn .

  5. 树木在草坪上投下长长的影子。

    The trees threw long shadows across the lawn .

  6. 夏天我每周都要修剪草坪。

    I mow the lawn every week in summer .

  7. 把草籽撒到草坪上。

    Scatter the grass seed over the lawn .

  8. 通往树林的小径两边都是草坪。

    Meadows bordered the path to the woods .

  9. 他们在门前的草坪上支起帐篷宿营了。

    They are camped out in tents on the front lawn .

  10. 他们步调一致地转身走过草坪。

    With one accord they turned and walked back over the grass .

  11. 他继续剪草坪,并做些其他日常杂务。

    He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores .

  12. 他们坐在一棵高大的山毛榉树下的草坪上。

    They were sitting on the lawn under a large beech tree .

  13. 她把椅子转过来,向外凝视着屋后的草坪。

    She swivelled her chair round and stared out across the back lawn

  14. 他还记得修剪草坪、在泳池边闲荡的情景。

    He remembered mowing the lawn , lounging around the swimming pool .

  15. 他在前面的草坪上丈量并标记出两个圆圈。

    He was on the front lawn , measuring out two circles .

  16. 你可以参加南边草坪上的槌球游戏。

    You can engage in croquet on the south lawn .

  17. 刈剪草坪、倒掉垃圾是房客该做的事。

    Mowing lawns and taking out the trash are jobs for the tenant .

  18. 他们用树木、灌木丛和草坪将房产装点了一番。

    They had landscaped their property with trees , shrubs , and lawns .

  19. 草坪上生长着各种青草。

    The lawn contained a mixture of grasses .

  20. 我要去修剪草坪了。

    I 'm going to cut the grass .

  21. 他们不希望人们踩踏草坪、支帐篷或生火。

    They don 't want people trampling the grass , pitching tents or building fires

  22. 这种喷雾剂向草坪上轻轻一喷,就会使草枯黄。

    If any of the spray goes onto the lawn it will scorch the grass .

  23. 一个星期后,同一伙人又在我们家门口的草坪上袭击了我。

    A week later , the same guys jumped on me on our own front lawn

  24. 卡车从空地上开出来,庞大的车身小心翼翼地避让着草坪。

    The truck pulled out of the lot , its bulk unnerving against the dawn .

  25. 修剪草坪后有很多剪下的碎草需要清理。

    Having mown the lawn , there are all those grass clippings to get rid of .

  26. 传统的草坪已经被低成本梯田所取代,梯田上有个高位水塘和瀑布似的水流。

    The traditional lawn has been replaced by low-cost terracing , with a raised pool and waterfall .

  27. 房屋稀稀疏疏地坐落着,每栋都有自己的一片地和粗草坪。

    The houses are well spaced out , each on its own plot of ground and mat of coarse grass

  28. 等她和卢瑟有了自己的房子,他们就会围起一块草坪扦插玫瑰。

    When she and Luther got their house , they would fence off a lawn and raise roses from cuttings

  29. 过去,踩踏草坪或旷课都会被重金处罚。

    In the old days , there were strict fines for walking on the grass or missing a study period

  30. 他们不希望坐在草坪上时被别人盯着看,于是便筑起了高墙。

    They didn 't want people staring at them as they sat on the lawn , so they put up high walls