
wéi kěn
  • Reclamation;enclose tideland for cultivation; reclaim land from marshes;reclaim land by diking
围垦 [wéi kěn]
  • [(build dykes to)reclaim land from marshes;enclose tideland for cultivation] 用堤坝把滩地围起来开垦

  1. 这里曾是滩涂一片,历代拓荒者以浩然气概,围垦造田,播洒希望;

    Here used to be a beach , the pioneers of past ages reclaim land from marshes and spread hope with noble spirit ;

  2. 青铜峡水库围垦堤的影响研究

    Research on Effect of Enclose Tideland for Cultivation Dyke in Qingtongxia Reservoir

  3. GPS在沿海围垦动态监测中的应用

    Application of GPS to Monitoring Dynamics of Reclaiming Coastal Land

  4. 基于RS和GIS的福建滩涂围垦研究

    Research of Tideland Reclamation in Fujian Province Based on RS and GIS

  5. 随着围垦年限增加,围垦区内土壤pH值呈现下降趋势,并趋近中性。

    With the increasing duration of reclamation , soil pH value decreased , and reaching neutral .

  6. 基于GIS的土壤盐分时空变异及分区管理研究&以浙江省上虞市海涂围垦区为例

    Study on Spatio-temporal Variability of Soil Salinity and Site-specific Management Zones Based on GIS & A case study on coastal saline region in Zhejiang province

  7. 利用GIS空间分析功能,分析岸线动态变化、围垦淤涨状况及其趋势。

    Then the information of shoreline dynamic changes , inning and silting was obtained by utilizing the space analysis function of geographical information system ( GIS ) .

  8. GPS-RTK配合全数字测深仪在南海涂围垦工程中的应用

    Application of GPS-RTK with All-digital Sounder in Reclamation Engineering

  9. 本文以RS和GIS技术为支撑,以1988年、2000年的TM影像图和1963年的地形图为数据源,对60年代以来福建省滩涂围垦进行动态监测。

    With RS and GIS technology as support and with TM image in 1988 , 2000 and topographic map in 1963 as the data source , the present paper monitors the trends of the reclamation of Fujian Province since the 1960s .

  10. 并且滩涂湿地面积的年减少率为995.47hm2/a,比年围垦率的729.08hm2/a增加了36.54%。

    In addition , the annual reduction rate of the mud flat wetland size was 995.47 hm2 / a , which was 36.54 % more than the annual reclamation rate , 729.08hm2/a .

  11. 长江口南汇东滩围垦工程对流场的影响探讨

    Discuss on Hydrodynamic Influence of the Nanhui Reclamation in Yangzi Estuary

  12. 鄱阳湖湖泊气候及其围垦后的变化

    Climatic characteristics in Poyang Lake District and its change after reclamation

  13. 围垦滩涂湿地旱生耐盐植物的入侵和影响

    Invasion and its effects of xerarch halophytes in reclaimed tidal wetlands

  14. 韩江口海涂土壤有巨大生产能力和开发价值,开发模式主要是海水养殖和围垦。

    The main models of exploitation are both mariculture and inning .

  15. 我国历史时期的湖泊围垦与湖泊退缩

    Relationships between Lake Evolution and land reclamation in history of China

  16. 洞庭湖区围垦问题的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the reclamation problems in the Dongting Lake area

  17. 慈溪市海岸变迁与滩涂围垦

    Coastal Evolution Process and Tidal Flat Reclamation in Cixi City

  18. 随着滩涂湿地的动态增长,围垦活动也在一直继续。

    Reclamation activities continue with the dynamic growth of the coastal wetlands .

  19. 动态规划在海涂围垦最优规划中的应用

    Optimal Planning of the Reclamation of the Coastal Area by Dynamic Programming

  20. 围垦对鄱阳湖洪水位的影响及防治对策

    Impacts of Reclamation on the Flood Regime in Poyang Lake and Countermeasures

  21. 吹填施工在海洋滩涂围垦工程中的应用

    Application of Hydraulic Fill Construction in Marine Shoal Reclamation Engineering

  22. 河口海岸滩涂围垦工程的潮流数值模拟

    Tidal Flow Numerical Simulation of the Reclamation Projects at Estuary and Beach

  23. 江苏沿海滩涂围垦现状及其对环境的影响

    The status and its influence of reclamation on Jiangsu coast

  24. 浙江滩涂围垦的现状与展望

    Current situation and prospect of beach reclamation in Zhejiang province

  25. 海湾围垦工程作用下的动力沉积响应

    Response of dynamic sedimentation to a reclamation project in bays

  26. 萧绍围垦区遥感影像的景观结构分析

    Landscape Structure Analysis of Xiao'shao Reclaimed Area Based on Remote Sensing Image

  27. 生态优先与生态围垦评价体系的构想

    Study on evaluation system for ecological priority and ecological reclamation

  28. 围垦区地下水位的控制及计算方法

    Calculation method of control ground water in ecological retaining polder

  29. 围垦和淤积对洞庭湖调蓄量的影响

    Influence of reclamation and deposition on flood storage capacity of Dongting Lake

  30. 海湾内的围垦工程对潮流及冲淤都将产生影响。

    Gulf reclamation project has an impact on the trends and siltation .