
wéi zhuō
  • overhanging tablecloth;a piece of embroidered cloth or silk covering the front side of a table;silk or embroidered cloth hanging down the front side of a table ;table curtain
围桌 [wéi zhuō]
  • [table curtain;dinner talbe] 婚丧或祭祀时挂在桌前的布或绸缎

  1. 我们围桌而坐。

    We sat around the table .

  2. 小孩子要围桌而坐,不能四处乱跑;

    Children need to sit at the table and not run off .

  3. 他们围桌坐着谈话。

    They sat talking around the table .

  4. 人们围桌而坐人们总是期待将改变我们行业的下一件大事。

    People around a tablePeople always look for the next big thing that will change our industry .

  5. 围桌中餐,火山羊肉火锅,观黎族歌舞表演,十人一桌;

    Lunch , 10 people share a table , lamb hot pots , Li nationality style singing & dancing show .

  6. 和这些客人们围桌而坐,即使我没偷姐姐的东西,我的心情也不好受,

    Sitting at table with these guests I would have felt uncomfortable even if I hadn 't robbed my sister .

  7. 每当中秋月亮升起,全家人围桌而坐,把酒临风赏明月、邀玉兔。

    Whenever the Mid-Autumn moon rises , the whole family handed down reward bright moon , jade , wine invited moon .

  8. 相反,他们追逐着给小孩喂饭,或规规矩矩地围桌而坐,一言不发。

    Instead , they 're running battles to get kids to eat , behave , or just sit down at the table .

  9. 于是我们全体,包括那粗野的年轻人在内,都拉过椅子来围桌而坐。在我们品尝食物时,四下里一片严峻的沉默。

    And we all , including the rustic youth , drew round the table : an austere silence prevailing while we discussed our meal .

  10. 那些不断和全家围桌共餐的青少年也不大会为了减肥而吸烟。

    Meals are also less likely to be skipped , and adolescents used to eating round the table are less likely to take up smoking to lose weight .

  11. “你随便看一个场景,就会看到围桌坐的全是男人,而你觉得至少其中一半该是女人.”她说.

    You look at a scene and it 's going to beall men around a table and you think at least half of those could have beenwomen , she said .

  12. 噫,我看到十几个女人围桌而坐,喝茶聊天,我的妻子也在内,决没有错。

    Why , I see a dozen women sitting round a table , and drinking tea , and talking . And there is my wife , as sure as you live .

  13. 所有的菜都上桌之后,正餐就要开始了:大家围桌而坐,杯中盛满了葡萄酒,祈祷之后就可以开吃。

    The first , most formal meal begins once all of the food is ready . Everyone sits around the table , a prayer is offered , our glasses are filled with wine , and we dig in .

  14. 一个中间挖洞的方桌,几个人围桌而坐,中间的洞并不象火锅或是麻辣烫那么大,正好容一只猴子的头伸出。

    A hole in the middle of the table , Wei Zhuo a few people sitting in the middle of the hole is not as hot pot or Mala Tang so much , just allow a monkey 's head out .