
  • 网络land reclamation
  1. 随着滨海城市的发展,围海造地的工程越来越多。

    There are more and more land reclamation projects along with the development of coastal cities .

  2. 包括航天工业方面、沿海工业布局方面、高铁等快速交通方面、港口的综合利用方面及围海造地方面。

    Including aerospace industries , coastal industrial layout , high speed rail , ports and land reclamation .

  3. 荷兰人一直在围海造地。

    The Netherlands has been reclaiming farmland from water .

  4. 他们通过围海造地扩大了多少面积呢

    How much land do they reclaim from the sea ?

  5. 温州劈山围海造地对环境及岩土工程的影响

    Impact of reclamation by blasting mountains on environment and geotechnical engineering in Wenzhou

  6. 围海造地工程两个重要环节风险估算实用方法研究

    Practical methods of risk estimation for two key construction phases of reclamation from sea

  7. 浅谈围海造地工程施工安全监理工作要点

    Points of safety supervision for sea reclamation engineering

  8. 围海造地工程对香港维多利亚港现代沉积作用的影响

    Assessing the Impact of Reclamation Activities on Recent Sedimentation in Victoria Harbour , Hong Kong

  9. 围海造地综合损益评价体系探讨

    A Discussion on the Comprehensive Profit and Loss Assessment System for Reclamation From the Sea

  10. 围海造地为上海的城市发展提供了宝贵的土地资源(上)

    Precious Land Resource Provided for Shanghai Urban Development through Reclaiming Land from Sea ( 1 )

  11. 围海造地地基处理设计

    Foundation Treatment Design of Land Reclamation

  12. 在围海造地的工程实践中,项目管理领域有许多特定的问题。

    In the practices of polder , there are many special problems in the project management area .

  13. 新型土工织物复合堤在宁波港镇海港区围海造地工程中的应用

    Application of A New-Type Geotextile Composite Dike in Land Reclamation Project of Ningbo Port Zhenhai Harbor District

  14. 在围海造地工程中,修建丁坝可以促进淤积,保护海塘。

    Both on beleaguer sea fashion terra engineering , to construct spur could promote deposit , preserve bulkhead .

  15. 围海造地工程的建设规模大,投资高,属于高风险项目。

    The reclamation project is a high risk project because of the large construction scale and the high investment .

  16. 在前款入海河口围海造地,应当符合河口整治规划。

    Reclaiming land from seawaters in estuaries mentioned in the preceding paragraph should conform to the planning for controlling estuaries .

  17. 本文简要总结了上海市围海造地的历史及其正负面效应。

    The history of reclamation in Shanghai was briefly in retrospect , the positive and negative effects of reclamation were analysed .

  18. 近50年来,加大围海造地力度,新增了11000~12000km2土地。

    In recent 50 years , China has acquired 11 000 ~ 12 000 km 2 new land with enhancing reclamation .

  19. 利用固化处理的化学方法,将疏浚泥转化为围海造地的填充料;

    ( 2 ) By using the solidifying technique , the dredged mud can be transformed into materials to fill the coastal land .

  20. 海积软土在堆积荷载作用下的沉降变形往往是堤防建造和围海造地等重大工程中的关键环节。

    Deformation behavior of soft estuarine deposit under large area uniform surcharge is essential to embankment construction and land reclamation in coastal areas .

  21. 劈山围海造地是解决这个问题的有效办法,但劈山围海造地也带来了环境问题和岩土工程问题。

    Reclaiming land from the sea through blasting mountains is an effective solution , but the solution do harm to the environment and geotechnical engineering .

  22. 围海造地、围海养殖、港口建设等活动导致了自然岸线逐渐由人工养殖岸线以及人工工程岸线所代替。

    Stretched out the sea , aquaculture and port construction and other activities have caused the natural coastline gradually replaced by artificial breeding shoreline and engineering coast .

  23. 通过围海造地解决土地供需矛盾,已成为一种城市及区域发展的必要手段。

    To solve the contradiction between supplying and demanding of land , reclaiming the land from the sea is becoming a necessary way for urban and regional development .

  24. 对围海造地或其他围海工程,以及采挖砂石,应当严格控制。

    The reclamation of land from the sea , or other projects to enclose sea areas , and the excavation of sand and gravel shall be strictly controlled .

  25. 在前款入海河口围海造地,应当符合河口整治规划。这对我国沿海城市正在进行的污水海洋处置工程建设的宏观规划与管理有着重要的参考价值。

    Reclaiming land from seawaters in estuaries mentioned in the preceding paragraph should conform to the planning for controlling estuaries . It has a great value for macroscopic management .

  26. 无论是传统的向海洋倾倒疏浚泥还是进行围海造地,都会给海洋环境带来巨大的负面影响。

    Whether it is the traditional way to dump the ocean dredged mud or for land reclamation , both of them will give a huge negative impact on marine environment .

  27. 针对港区附近围海造地造成的港区泥沙回淤量增大问题,以漳州港招商局中银码头区为例,全面分析了漳州港海域的地形地貌、水动力特征、泥沙特性和岸滩自然演变。

    Based on the accretion of sediment in harbor areas because of coastal reclamation nearby , the authors analyze the landform , hydrodynamic factors , sediment and coastal evolution in Zhangzhou Port .

  28. 针对沿海盐碱区域特殊土壤环境接地选择,本文选择一围海造地的煤电厂接地系统设计过程分析作为代表案例。

    As special grounding requirement of coastal saline soil area , we take grounding project of a coal-fired power plant as an example , which is built on reclamation fields from the sea .

  29. 因此在尽可能的减小工程周边海域水动力特性的前提下,合理的围海造地对温州市的可持续发展有非常重要的意义。

    Therefore , under the premise of minimizing the effect on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the surrounding waters , reasonable reclamation has a very important significance for the sustainable development of the Wenzhou City .

  30. 受围海造地的影响,沿海滩涂湿地面积呈增长趋势,但随着新城开发建设的进行,土地利用发生了转移,其中建设用地快速增加。

    Coastal wetland area showed increasing trend due to affection of land reclamation , however , land use shifted with the construction of new town development , and construction land showed rapid increase . 2 .